Displaying 441 – 460 of 8522

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A note on cyclic chromatic number

Jana Zlámalová (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A cyclic colouring of a graph G embedded in a surface is a vertex colouring of G in which any two distinct vertices sharing a face receive distinct colours. The cyclic chromatic number χ c ( G ) of G is the smallest number of colours in a cyclic colouring of G. Plummer and Toft in 1987 conjectured that χ c ( G ) Δ * + 2 for any 3-connected plane graph G with maximum face degree Δ*. It is known that the conjecture holds true for Δ* ≤ 4 and Δ* ≥ 18. The validity of the conjecture is proved in the paper for some special classes...

A note on degree-continuous graphs

Chiang Lin, Wei-Bo Ou (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The minimum orders of degree-continuous graphs with prescribed degree sets were investigated by Gimbel and Zhang, Czechoslovak Math. J. 51 (126) (2001), 163–171. The minimum orders were not completely determined in some cases. In this note, the exact values of the minimum orders for these cases are obtained by giving improved upper bounds.

A note on domination in bipartite graphs

Tobias Gerlach, Jochen Harant (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

DOMINATING SET remains NP-complete even when instances are restricted to bipartite graphs, however, in this case VERTEX COVER is solvable in polynomial time. Consequences to VECTOR DOMINATING SET as a generalization of both are discussed.

A note on domination parameters in random graphs

Anthony Bonato, Changping Wang (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Domination parameters in random graphs G(n,p), where p is a fixed real number in (0,1), are investigated. We show that with probability tending to 1 as n → ∞, the total and independent domination numbers concentrate on the domination number of G(n,p).

A note on domination parameters of the conjunction of two special graphs

Maciej Zwierzchowski (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A dominating set D of G is called a split dominating set of G if the subgraph induced by the subset V(G)-D is disconnected. The cardinality of a minimum split dominating set is called the minimum split domination number of G. Such subset and such number was introduced in [4]. In [2], [3] the authors estimated the domination number of products of graphs. More precisely, they were study products of paths. Inspired by those results we give another estimation of the domination number of the conjunction...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 8522