Displaying 421 – 440 of 852

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Landau’s function for one million billions

Marc Deléglise, Jean-Louis Nicolas, Paul Zimmermann (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let 𝔖 n denote the symmetric group with n letters, and g ( n ) the maximal order of an element of 𝔖 n . If the standard factorization of M into primes is M = q 1 α 1 q 2 α 2 ... q k α k , we define ( M ) to be q 1 α 1 + q 2 α 2 + ... + q k α k ; one century ago, E. Landau proved that g ( n ) = max ( M ) n M and that, when n goes to infinity, log g ( n ) n log ( n ) .There exists a basic algorithm to compute g ( n ) for 1 n N ; its running time is 𝒪 N 3 / 2 / log N and the needed memory is 𝒪 ( N ) ; it allows computing g ( n ) up to, say, one million. We describe an algorithm to calculate g ( n ) for n up to 10 15 . The main idea is to use the so-called -superchampion...

Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. I. Zeta(2)

Michał Zakrzewski, Henryk Żołądek (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Certain generating fuctions for multiple zeta values are expressed as values at some point of solutions of linear meromorphic differential equations. We apply asymptotic expansion methods (like the WKB method and the Stokes operators) to solutions of these equations. In this way we give a new proof of the Euler formula ζ(2) = π²/6. In further papers we plan to apply this method to study some third order hypergeometric equation related to ζ(3).

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 852