Displaying 61 – 80 of 659

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On algebra-lattices

Jiří Rachůnek (1984)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

On almost equitable uninorms

Gang Li, Hua-Wen Liu, János Fodor (2015)


Uninorms, as binary operations on the unit interval, have been widely applied in information aggregation. The class of almost equitable uninorms appears when the contradictory information is aggregated. It is proved that among various uninorms of which either underlying t-norm or t-conorm is continuous, only the representable uninorms belong to the class of almost equitable uninorms. As a byproduct, a characterization for the class of representable uninorms is obtained.

On annihilators in BL-algebras

Yu Xi Zou, Xiao Long Xin, Peng Fei He (2016)

Open Mathematics

In the paper, we introduce the notion of annihilators in BL-algebras and investigate some related properties of them. We get that the ideal lattice (I(L), ⊆) is pseudo-complemented, and for any ideal I, its pseudo-complement is the annihilator I⊥ of I. Also, we define the An (L) to be the set of all annihilators of L, then we have that (An(L); ⋂,∧An(L),⊥,0, L) is a Boolean algebra. In addition, we introduce the annihilators of a nonempty subset X of L with respect to an ideal I and study some properties...

On automorphisms of Boolean algebras embedded in P (ω)/fin

Magdalena Grzech (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that, under CH, for each Boolean algebra A of cardinality at most the continuum there is an embedding of A into P(ω)/fin such that each automorphism of A can be extended to an automorphism of P(ω)/fin. We also describe a model of ZFC + MA(σ-linked) in which the continuum is arbitrarily large and the above assertion holds true.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 659