Displaying 81 – 100 of 3896

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A further investigation for Egoroff's theorem with respect to monotone set functions

Jun Li (2003)


In this paper, we investigate Egoroff’s theorem with respect to monotone set function, and show that a necessary and sufficient condition that Egoroff’s theorem remain valid for monotone set function is that the monotone set function fulfill condition (E). Therefore Egoroff’s theorem for non-additive measure is formulated in full generality.

A glimpse of deductive systems in algebra

Dumitru Buşneag, Sergiu Rudeanu (2010)

Open Mathematics

The concept of a deductive system has been intensively studied in algebraic logic, per se and in connection with various types of filters. In this paper we introduce an axiomatization which shows how several resembling theorems that had been separately proved for various algebras of logic can be given unique proofs within this axiomatic framework. We thus recapture theorems already known in the literature, as well as new ones. As a by-product we introduce the class of pre-BCK algebras.

A groupoid characterization of Boolean algebras

Ivan Chajda (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We present a groupoid which can be converted into a Boolean algebra with respect to term operations. Also conversely, every Boolean algebra can be reached in this way.

A groupoid characterization of orthomodular lattices

Ivan Chajda (2005)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

We prove that an orthomodular lattice can be considered as a groupoid with a distinguished element satisfying simple identities.

A measure-theoretic characterization of Boolean algebras among orthomodular lattices

Pavel Pták, Sylvia Pulmannová (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate subadditive measures on orthomodular lattices. We show as the main result that an orthomodular lattice has to be distributive (=Boolean) if it possesses a unital set of subadditive probability measures. This result may find an application in the foundation of quantum theories, mathematical logic, or elsewhere.

A metric on a system of ordered sets

Alfonz Haviar, Pavel Klenovčan (1996)

Mathematica Bohemica

In [3] a metric on a system of isomorphism classes of ordered sets was defined. In this paper we define another metric on the same system and investigate some of its properties. Our approach is motivated by a problem from practice.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 3896