Displaying 61 – 80 of 123

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Special m-hyperidentities in biregular leftmost graph varieties of type (2,0)

Apinant Anantpinitwatna, Tiang Poomsa-ard (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Graph algebras establish a connection between directed graphs without multiple edges and special universal algebras of type (2,0). We say that a graph G satisfies a term equation s ≈ t if the corresponding graph algebra A ( G ) ̲ satisfies s ≈ t. A class of graph algebras V is called a graph variety if V = M o d g Σ where Σ is a subset of T(X) × T(X). A graph variety V ' = M o d g Σ ' is called a biregular leftmost graph variety if Σ’ is a set of biregular leftmost term equations. A term equation s ≈ t is called an identity in a variety...

Split extensions and semidirect products of unitary magmas

Marino Gran, George Janelidze, Manuela Sobral (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We develop a theory of split extensions of unitary magmas, which includes defining such extensions and describing them via suitably defined semidirect product, yielding an equivalence between the categories of split extensions and of (suitably defined) actions of unitary magmas on unitary magmas. The class of split extensions is pullback stable but not closed under composition. We introduce two subclasses of it that have both of these properties.

Strong retracts of unary algebras

Rozália Sz. Madarász, Dragan Mašulović, Boža Tasić (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper introduces the notion of a strong retract of an algebra and then focuses on strong retracts of unary algebras. We characterize subuniverses of a unary algebra which are carriers of its strong retracts. This characterization enables us to describe the poset of strong retracts of a unary algebra under inclusion. Since this poset is not necessarily a lattice, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the poset to be a lattice, as well as the full description of the poset.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 123