Displaying 81 – 100 of 123

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Structures naturelles des demi-groupes et des anneaux réguliers ou involutés

Jean Calmes (1994)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Certaines relations binaires sont définies sur les demi-groupes et les demi-groupes à involution. On examine comment elles peuvent en ordonner les éléments: notamment les idempotents, les éléments réguliers au sens de von Neumann, ceux qui possédent un inverse ponctuel ou de Moore-Penrose ; et en fonction aussi de conditions sur l'involution. Ces relations peuvent alors coïncider avec les ordres naturels des idempotents et des demi-groupes inverses, avec les ordres de Drazin et de Hartwig : elles...

Sturdy frames of type (2,2) algebras and their applications to semirings

X. Z. Zhao, Y. Q. Guo, K. P. Shum (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We introduce sturdy frames of type (2,2) algebras, which are a common generalization of sturdy semilattices of semigroups and of distributive lattices of rings in the theory of semirings. By using sturdy frames, we are able to characterize some semirings. In particular, some results on semirings recently obtained by Bandelt, Petrich and Ghosh can be extended and generalized.

Subalgebra extensions of partial monounary algebras

Danica Jakubíková-Studenovská (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a subalgebra of a partial monounary algebra 𝒜 we define the quotient partial monounary algebra 𝒜 / . Let , 𝒞 be partial monounary algebras. In this paper we give a construction of all partial monounary algebras 𝒜 such that is a subalgebra of 𝒜 and 𝒞 𝒜 / .

Subalgebras and homomorphic images of algebras having the CEP and the WCIP

Andrzej Walendziak (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the present paper we consider algebras satisfying both the congruence extension property (briefly the CEP) and the weak congruence intersection property (WCIP for short). We prove that subalgebras of such algebras have these properties. We deduce that a lattice has the CEP and the WCIP if and only if it is a two-element chain. We also show that the class of all congruence modular algebras with the WCIP is closed under the formation of homomorphic images.

Subdirect decompositions of algebras from 2-clone extensions of varieties

J. Płonka (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let τ:F → ℕ be a type of algebras, where F is a set of fundamental operation symbols and ℕ is the set of nonnegative integers. We assume that |F|≥2 and 0 ∉ (F). For a term φ of type τ we denote by F(φ) the set of fundamental operation symbols from F occurring in φ. An identity φ ≉ ψ of type τ is called clone compatible if φ and ψ are the same variable or F(φ)=F(ψ)≠ . For a variety V of type τ we denote by V c , 2 the variety of type τ defined by all identities φ ≉ ψ from Id(V) which are either clone compatible...

Subdirect products of certain varieties of unary algebras

Miroslav Ćirić, Tatjana Petković, Stojan Bogdanović (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

J. Płonka in [12] noted that one could expect that the regularization ( K ) of a variety K of unary algebras is a subdirect product of K and the variety D of all discrete algebras (unary semilattices), but is not the case. The purpose of this note is to show that his expectation is fulfilled for those and only those irregular varieties K which are contained in the generalized variety T D i r of the so-called trap-directable algebras.

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