Displaying 781 – 800 of 3014

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On Fully Split Lacunary Polynomials in Finite Fields

Khodakhast Bibak, Igor E. Shparlinski (2011)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We estimate the number of possible degree patterns of k-lacunary polynomials of degree t < p which split completely modulo p. The result is based on a combination of a bound on the number of zeros of lacunary polynomials with some graph theory arguments.

On functions with bounded remainder

P. Hellekalek, Gerhard Larcher (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let T : / / be a von Neumann-Kakutani q - adic adding machine transformation and let ϕ C 1 ( [ 0 , 1 ] ) . Put ϕ n ( x ) : = ϕ ( x ) + ϕ ( T x ) + ... + ϕ ( T n - 1 x ) , x / , n . We study three questions:1. When will ( ϕ n ( x ) ) n 1 be bounded?2. What can be said about limit points of ( ϕ n ( x ) ) n 1 ? 3. When will the skew product ( x , y ) ( T x , y + ϕ ( x ) ) be ergodic on / × ?

On fundamental solutions of binary quadratic form equations

Keith R. Matthews, John P. Robertson, Anitha Srinivasan (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We show that, with suitable modification, the upper bound estimates of Stolt for the fundamental integer solutions of the Diophantine equation Au²+Buv+Cv²=N, where A>0, N≠0 and B²-4AC is positive and nonsquare, in fact characterize the fundamental solutions. As a corollary, we get a corresponding result for the equation u²-dv²=N, where d is positive and nonsquare, in which case the upper bound estimates were obtained by Nagell and Chebyshev.

Currently displaying 781 – 800 of 3014