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A Bogomolov property for curves modulo algebraic subgroups

Philipp Habegger (2009)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Generalizing a result of Bombieri, Masser, and Zannier we show that on a curve in the algebraic torus which is not contained in any proper coset only finitely many points are close to an algebraic subgroup of codimension at least 2 . The notion of close is defined using the Weil height. We also deduce some cardinality bounds and further finiteness statements.

A “class group” obstruction for the equation C y d = F ( x , z )

Denis Simon (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper, we study equations of the form C y d = F ( x , z ) , where F [ x , z ] is a binary form, homogeneous of degree n , which is supposed to be primitive and irreducible, and d is any fixed integer. Using classical tools in algebraic number theory, we prove that the existence of a proper solution for this equation implies the existence of an integral ideal of given norm in some order in a number field, and also the existence of a specific relation in the class group involving this ideal. In some cases, this result...

A Diophantine inequality with four squares and one k th power of primes

Quanwu Mu, Minhui Zhu, Ping Li (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let k 5 be an odd integer and η be any given real number. We prove that if λ 1 , λ 2 , λ 3 , λ 4 , μ are nonzero real numbers, not all of the same sign, and λ 1 / λ 2 is irrational, then for any real number σ with 0 < σ < 1 / ( 8 ϑ ( k ) ) , the inequality | λ 1 p 1 2 + λ 2 p 2 2 + λ 3 p 3 2 + λ 4 p 4 2 + μ p 5 k + η | < max 1 j 5 p j - σ has infinitely many solutions in prime variables p 1 , p 2 , , p 5 , where ϑ ( k ) = 3 × 2 ( k - 5 ) / 2 for k = 5 , 7 , 9 and ϑ ( k ) = [ ( k 2 + 2 k + 5 ) / 8 ] for odd integer k with k 11 . This improves a recent result in W. Ge, T. Wang (2018).

A formula for the number of solutions of a restricted linear congruence

K. Vishnu Namboothiri (2021)

Mathematica Bohemica

Consider the linear congruence equation x 1 + ... + x k b ( mod n s ) for b , n , s . Let ( a , b ) s denote the generalized gcd of a and b which is the largest l s with l dividing a and b simultaneously. Let d 1 , ... , d τ ( n ) be all positive divisors of n . For each d j n , define 𝒞 j , s ( n ) = { 1 x n s : ( x , n s ) s = d j s } . K. Bibak et al. (2016) gave a formula using Ramanujan sums for the number of solutions of the above congruence equation with some gcd restrictions on x i . We generalize their result with generalized gcd restrictions on x i and prove that for the above linear congruence, the number of solutions...

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