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In 1998, Michael Hirschhorn discovered the 5-dissection formulas of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction and its reciprocal. We obtain the 5-dissections for functions and , which are essentially Ramanujan’s parameter and its companion. Additionally, 5-dissections of the reciprocals of these two functions are derived. These 5-dissection formulas imply that the coefficients in their series expansions have periodic sign patterns with few exceptions.
Sia un corpo di quaternioni indefinito su di discriminante e sia il gruppo moltiplicativo degli elementi di norma 1 in un ordine di Eichler di di livello primo con . Consideriamo lo spazio delle forme cuspidali di peso rispetto a e la corrispondente algebra di Hecke . Utilizzando una versione della corrispondenza di Jacquet-Langlands tra rappresentazioni automorfe di e di , realizziamo come quoziente dell'algebra di Hecke classica di livello . Questo risultato permette di...
We state a conjecture concerning modular absolutely irreducible odd 2-dimensional representations of the absolute Galois group over finite fields which is purely combinatorial (without using modular forms) and proof that it is equivalent to Serre’s strong conjecture. The main idea is to replace modular forms with coefficients in a finite field of characteristic , by their counterparts in the theory of modular symbols.
Let be a weight holomorphic automorphic form with respect to . We prove a sufficient condition for the integrality of over primes dividing . This condition is expressed in terms of the values at particular curves of the forms obtained by iterated application of the weight Maaß operator to and extends previous results of the Author.