Galleries in Poincaré half-spaces and diophantine approximation.
Let be a smooth curve defined over the fraction field of a complete discrete valuation ring . We study a natural filtration of the special fiber of the Néron model of the Jacobian of by closed, unipotent subgroup schemes. We show that the jumps in this filtration only depend on the fiber type of the special fiber of the minimal regular model with strict normal crossings for over , and in particular are independent of the residue characteristic. Furthermore, we obtain information about...
Let be a number field with ring of integers . For a fixed prime number and the étale wild kernels are defined as kernels of certain localization maps on the -fold twist of the -adic étale cohomology groups of . These groups are finite and coincide for with the -part of the classical wild kernel . They play a role similar to the -part of the -class group of . For class groups, Galois co-descent in a cyclic extension is described by the ambiguous class formula given by genus theory....
Our main result combines three topics: it contains a Grunwald-Wang type conclusion, a version of Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem and a -adic form à la Harbater, but with good reduction, of the Regular Inverse Galois Problem. As a consequence we obtain a statement that questions the RIGP over . The general strategy is to study and exploit the good reduction of certain twisted models of the covers and of the associated moduli spaces.
We give a classification of finite group actions on a surface giving rise to quotients, from the point of view of their fixed points. It is shown that except two cases, each such group gives rise to a unique type of fixed point set.
This paper considers some refined versions of the Inverse Galois Problem. We study the local or global behavior of rational specializations of some finite Galois covers of .
We consider a dynamical system consisting of a pair of commuting power series under composition, one noninvertible and another nontorsion invertible, of height one with coefficients in the -adic integers. Assuming that each point of the dynamical system generates a Galois extension over the base field, we show that these extensions are in fact abelian, and, using results from the theory of the field of norms, we also show that the dynamical system must include a torsion series. From an earlier...
Very little is known regarding the Galois group of the maximal -extension unramified outside a finite set of primes of a number field in the case that the primes above are not in . We describe methods to compute this group when it is finite and conjectural properties of it when it is infinite.