Displaying 221 – 240 of 381

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On the Difference of 4-Gonal Linear Systems on some Curves

Ohbuchi, Akira (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

Let C = (C, g^1/4 ) be a tetragonal curve. We consider the scrollar invariants e1 , e2 , e3 of g^1/4 . We prove that if W^1/4 (C) is a non-singular variety, then every g^1/4 ∈ W^1/4 (C) has the same scrollar invariants.

On the dimension of secant varieties

Luca Chiantini, Ciro Ciliberto (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper we generalize Zak’s theorems on tangencies and on linear normality as well as Zak’s definition and classification of Severi varieties. In particular we find sharp lower bounds for the dimension of higher secant varieties of a given variety X under suitable regularity assumptions on X , and we classify varieties for which the bound is attained.

On the geometry of algebraic curves having many real components.

J. Huisman (2001)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We show that there is a large class of nonspecial effective divisors of relatively small degree on real algebraic curves having many real components i.e. on M-curves. We apply to 1. complete linear systems on M-curves containing divisors with entirely real support, and 2. morphisms of M-curves into P1.

On the k-regularity of some proyective manifolds.

Alberto Alzati, Gian Mario Besana (1998)

Collectanea Mathematica

The conjecture on the (degree-codimension + 1) - regularity of projective varieties is proved for smooth linearly normal polarized varieties (X,L) with L very ample, for low values of Delta(X,L) = degree-codimension-1. Results concerning the projective normality of some classes of special varieties including scrolls over curves of genus 2 and quadric fibrations over elliptic curves, are proved.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 381