Displaying 61 – 80 of 213

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Felix Klein's paper on real flexes vindicated

Felice Ronga (1998)

Banach Center Publications

In a paper written in 1876 [4], Felix Klein gave a formula relating the number of real flexes of a generic real plane projective curve to the number of real bitangents at non-real points and the degree, which shows in particular that the number of real flexes cannot exceed one third of the total number of flexes. We show that Klein's arguments can be made rigorous using a little of the theory of singularities of maps, justifying in particular his resort to explicit examples.

Fundamental groups of some special quadric arrangements.

Meirav Amram, Mina Teicher (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Continuing our work on the fundamental groups of conic-line arrangements (Amram et al., 2003), we obtain presentations of fundamental groups of the complements of three families of quadric arrangements in P2. The first arrangement is a union of n conics, which are tangent to each other at two common points. The second arrangement is composed of n quadrics which are tangent to each other at one common point. The third arrangement is composed of n quadrics, n-1 of them are tangent to the n-th one...

Geometry of Puiseux expansions

Maciej Borodzik, Henryk Żołądek (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider the space Curv of complex affine lines t ↦ (x,y) = (ϕ(t),ψ(t)) with monic polynomials ϕ, ψ of fixed degrees and a map Expan from Curv to a complex affine space Puis with dim Curv = dim Puis, which is defined by initial Puiseux coefficients of the Puiseux expansion of the curve at infinity. We present some unexpected relations between geometrical properties of the curves (ϕ,ψ) and singularities of the map Expan. For example, the curve (ϕ,ψ) has a cuspidal singularity iff it is a critical...

Hodge–type structures as link invariants

Maciej Borodzik, András Némethi (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Based on some analogies with the Hodge theory of isolated hypersurface singularities, we define Hodge–type numerical invariants of any, not necessarily algebraic, link in a three–sphere. We call them H–numbers. They contain the same amount of information as the (non degenerate part of the) real Seifert matrix. We study their basic properties, and we express the Tristram–Levine signatures and the higher order Alexander polynomial in terms of them. Motivated by singularity theory, we also introduce...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 213