Displaying 81 – 100 of 254

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Fano manifolds of degree ten and EPW sextics

Atanas Iliev, Laurent Manivel (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

O’Grady showed that certain special sextics in 5 called EPW sextics admit smooth double covers with a holomorphic symplectic structure. We propose another perspective on these symplectic manifolds, by showing that they can be constructed from the Hilbert schemes of conics on Fano fourfolds of degree ten. As applications, we construct families of Lagrangian surfaces in these symplectic fourfolds, and related integrable systems whose fibers are intermediate Jacobians.

Finiteness of cominuscule quantum K -theory

Anders S. Buch, Pierre-Emmanuel Chaput, Leonardo C. Mihalcea, Nicolas Perrin (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

The product of two Schubert classes in the quantum K -theory ring of a homogeneous space X = G / P is a formal power series with coefficients in the Grothendieck ring of algebraic vector bundles on  X . We show that if X is cominuscule, then this power series has only finitely many non-zero terms. The proof is based on a geometric study of boundary Gromov-Witten varieties in the Kontsevich moduli space, consisting of stable maps to  X that take the marked points to general Schubert varieties and whose domains...

Geometry of the genus 9 Fano 4-folds

Frédéric Han (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the geometry of a general Fano variety of dimension four, genus nine, and Picard number one. We compute its Chow ring and give an explicit description of its variety of lines. We apply these results to study the geometry of non quadratically normal varieties of dimension three in a five dimensional projective space.

Hilbert series of the Grassmannian and k -Narayana numbers

Lukas Braun (2019)

Communications in Mathematics

We compute the Hilbert series of the complex Grassmannian using invariant theoretic methods. This is made possible by showing that the denominator of the q -Hilbert series is a Vandermonde-like determinant. We show that the h -polynomial of the Grassmannian coincides with the k -Narayana polynomial. A simplified formula for the h -polynomial of Schubert varieties is given. Finally, we use a generalized hypergeometric Euler transform to find simplified formulae for the k -Narayana numbers, i.e. the h -polynomial...

How to draw tropical planes.

Herrmann, Sven, Jensen, Anders, Joswig, Michael, Sturmfels, Bernd (2009)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 254