Some Global Properties of Matrices of Functions of One Variable.
Let be the wheel graph on vertices, and let be the graph on vertices obtained by attaching pendant edges together with hanging paths of length two at vertex , where is the unique common vertex of triangles. In this paper we show that (, ) and are determined by their signless Laplacian spectra, respectively. Moreover, we also prove that and its complement graph are determined by their Laplacian spectra, respectively, for and .
In this paper we consider the problem of finding upper bounds of certain matrix operators such as Hausdorff, Nörlund matrix, weighted mean and summability on sequence spaces and Lorentz sequence spaces , which was recently considered in [9] and [10] and similarly to [14] by Josip Pecaric, Ivan Peric and Rajko Roki. Also, this study is an extension of some works by G. Bennett on spaces, see [1] and [2].
Some convergent sequences of the lower bounds of the minimum eigenvalue for the Hadamard product of a nonsingular M-matrix B and the inverse of a nonsingular M-matrix A are given by using Brauer’s theorem. It is proved that these sequences are monotone increasing, and numerical examples are given to show that these sequences could reach the true value of the minimum eigenvalue in some cases. These results in this paper improve some known results.
In this paper we firstly give majorization relations between the vectors Fn = {f0, f1, . . . , fn−1},Ln = {l0, l1, . . . , ln−1} and Pn = {p0, p1, . . . , pn−1} which constructed with fibonacci, lucas and pell numbers. Then we give upper and lower bounds for determinants, Euclidean norms and Spectral norms of Gram matrices GF=〈Fn,Fni〉, GL=〈Ln,Lni〉, GP=〈Pn,Pni〉, GFL=〈Fn,Lni〉, GFP=〈Fn,Pni〉.
Using Clifford analysis in a multidimensional space some elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic systems of partial differential equations are constructed, which are related to the well-known classical equations. To obtain parabolic systems Clifford algebra is modified and some corresponding differential operator is constructed. For systems obtained the boundary and initial value problems are solved.
In this paper we derive new properties complementary to an Brualdi-Li tournament matrix . We show that has exactly one positive real eigenvalue and one negative real eigenvalue and, as a by-product, reprove that every Brualdi-Li matrix has distinct eigenvalues. We then bound the partial sums of the real parts and the imaginary parts of its eigenvalues. The inverse of is also determined. Related results obtained in previous articles are proven to be corollaries.
Let be a simple connected graph with vertex set and edge set , and let be the degree of the vertex . Let be the distance matrix and let be the diagonal matrix of the vertex transmissions of . The generalized distance matrix of is defined as , where . Let be the generalized distance eigenvalues of , and let be an integer with . We denote by the sum of the largest generalized distance eigenvalues. The generalized distance spread of a graph is defined as . We obtain some...
Mathematical Subject Classification 2010:26A33, 33E99, 15A52, 62E15.Mittag-Leffler functions and their generalizations appear in a large variety of problems in different areas. When we move from total differential equations to fractional equations Mittag-Leffler functions come in naturally. Fractional reaction-diffusion problems in physical sciences and general input-output models in other disciplines are some of the examples in this direction. Some basic properties of Mittag-Leffler functions are...
Let T be a continuous linear operator on a Hausdorff topological vector space 𝓧 over the field ℂ. We show that if T is N-supercyclic, i.e., if 𝓧 has an N-dimensional subspace whose orbit under T is dense in 𝓧, then T* has at most N eigenvalues (counting geometric multiplicity). We then show that N-supercyclicity cannot occur nontrivially in the finite-dimensional setting: the orbit of an N-dimensional subspace cannot be dense in an (N+1)-dimensional space. Finally, we show that a subnormal operator...