Displaying 2441 – 2460 of 3022

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Sulle forme polarizzanti i coefficienti del polinomio caratteristico di una matrice

Renzo Mazzocco (1986)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

The multilinear forms, obtained by polarizing the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix, are considered. A general relation (formula A) between such forms is proved. It follows in particular a rational expression for the above-mentioned coefficients (formula C), which is in a sense analogous to Newton's formulas, but with the use of the determinant function instead of the trace function.

Supercomplex structures, surface soliton equations, and quasiconformal mappings

Julian Ławrynowicz, Katarzyna Kędzia, Osamu Suzuki (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Hurwitz pairs and triples are discussed in connection with algebra, complex analysis, and field theory. The following results are obtained: (i) A field operator of Dirac type, which is called a Hurwitz operator, is introduced by use of a Hurwitz pair and its characterization is given (Theorem 1). (ii) A field equation of the elliptic Neveu-Schwarz model of superstring theory is obtained from the Hurwitz pair (⁴,³) (Theorem 2), and its counterpart connected with the Hurwitz triple ( 11 , 11 , 26 ) is mentioned....

Supersymmetry classes of tensors

M. Shahryari (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce the notion of a supersymmetry class of tensors which is the ordinary symmetry class of tensors with a natural ℤ₂-gradation. We give the dimensions of even and odd parts of this gradation as well as their natural bases. Also we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the odd or even part of a supersymmetry class to be zero.

Supplement to the paper "Quasianalytic perturbation of multi-parameter hyperbolic polynomials and symmetric matrices" (Ann. Polon. Math. 101 (2011), 275-291)

Krzysztof Jan Nowak (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In IMUJ Preprint 2009/05 we investigated the quasianalytic perturbation of hyperbolic polynomials and symmetric matrices by applying our quasianalytic version of the Abhyankar-Jung theorem from IMUJ Preprint 2009/02, whose proof relied on a theorem by Luengo on ν-quasiordinary polynomials. But those papers of ours were suspended after we had become aware that Luengo's paper contained an essential gap. This gave rise to our subsequent article on quasianalytic perturbation theory, which developed,...

Support properties of a family of connected compact sets

Josef Nedoma (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

A problem of finding a system of proportionally located parallel supporting hyperplanes of a family of connected compact sets is analyzed. A special attention is paid to finding a common supporting halfspace. An existence theorem is proved and a method of solution is proposed.

Support vector machine skin lesion classification in Clifford algebra subspaces

Mutlu Akar, Nikolay Metodiev Sirakov (2019)

Applications of Mathematics

The present study develops the Clifford algebra Cl 5 , 0 within a dermatological task to diagnose skin melanoma using images of skin lesions, which are modeled here by means of 5D lesion feature vectors (LFVs). The LFV is a numerical approximation of the most used clinical rule for melanoma diagnosis - ABCD. To generate the Cl 5 , 0 we develop a new formula that uses the entries of a 5D vector to calculate the entries of a 32D multivector. This vector provides a natural mapping of the original 5D vector onto...

Sur la théorie des invariants des groupes classiques

Thierry Vust (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On donne une forme géométrique à la théorie classique des invariants pour le groupe spécial linéaire, le groupe orthogonal et le groupe symplectique. On démontre aussi un critère de normalité pour les variétés algébriques affines où opère un groupe algébrique réductif connexe.

Currently displaying 2441 – 2460 of 3022