Displaying 441 – 460 of 3007

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Approximate polynomial GCD

Eliaš, Ján, Zítko, Jan (2013)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The computation of polynomial greatest common divisor (GCD) ranks among basic algebraic problems with many applications, for example, in image processing and control theory. The problem of the GCD computing of two exact polynomials is well defined and can be solved symbolically, for example, by the oldest and commonly used Euclid’s algorithm. However, this is an ill-posed problem, particularly when some unknown noise is applied to the polynomial coefficients. Hence, new methods for the GCD computation...

Approximating real linear operators

Marko Huhtanen, Olavi Nevanlinna (2007)

Studia Mathematica

A framework to extend the singular value decomposition of a matrix to a real linear operator : p is suggested. To this end real linear operators called operets are introduced, to have an appropriate generalization of rank-one matrices. Then, adopting the interpretation of the singular value decomposition of a matrix as providing its nearest small rank approximations, ℳ is approximated with a sum of operets.

Approximation and asymptotics of eigenvalues of unbounded self-adjoint Jacobi matrices acting in l 2 by the use of finite submatrices

Maria Malejki (2010)

Open Mathematics

We consider the problem of approximation of eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator J defined by a Jacobi matrix in the Hilbert space l 2(ℕ) by eigenvalues of principal finite submatrices of an infinite Jacobi matrix that defines this operator. We assume the operator J is bounded from below with compact resolvent. In our research we estimate the asymptotics (with n → ∞) of the joint error of approximation for the eigenvalues, numbered from 1 to N; of J by the eigenvalues of the finite submatrix J...

Approximation of eigenvalues for unbounded Jacobi matrices using finite submatrices

Anne Monvel, Lech Zielinski (2014)

Open Mathematics

We consider an infinite Jacobi matrix with off-diagonal entries dominated by the diagonal entries going to infinity. The corresponding self-adjoint operator J has discrete spectrum and our purpose is to present results on the approximation of eigenvalues of J by eigenvalues of its finite submatrices.

Approximation of fractional positive stable continuous-time linear systems by fractional positive stable discrete-time systems

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Fractional positive asymptotically stable continuous-time linear systems are approximated by fractional positive asymptotically stable discrete-time systems using a linear Padé-type approximation. It is shown that the approximation preserves the positivity and asymptotic stability of the systems. An optional system approximation is also discussed.

Approximations and error bounds for computing the inverse mapping

Lucas Jódar, Enrique Ponsoda, G. Rodríguez Sánchez (1997)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we propose a procedure to construct approximations of the inverse of a class of 𝒞 m differentiable mappings. First of all we determine in terms of the data a neighbourhood where the inverse mapping is well defined. Then it is proved that the theoretical inverse can be expressed in terms of the solution of a differential equation depending on parameters. Finally, using one-step matrix methods we construct approximate inverse mappings of a prescribed accuracy.

Aspects of non-commutative function theory

Jim Agler, John E. McCarthy (2016)

Concrete Operators

We discuss non commutative functions, which naturally arise when dealing with functions of more than one matrix variable.

Asymptotics for weakly dependent errors-in-variables

Michal Pešta (2013)


Linear relations, containing measurement errors in input and output data, are taken into account in this paper. Parameters of these so-called errors-in-variables (EIV) models can be estimated by minimizing the total least squares (TLS) of the input-output disturbances. Such an estimate is highly non-linear. Moreover in some realistic situations, the errors cannot be considered as independent by nature. Weakly dependent ( α - and ϕ -mixing) disturbances, which are not necessarily stationary nor identically...

Asymptotics of the partition function of a random matrix model

Pavel M. Bleher, Alexander Its (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a number of results concerning the large N asymptotics of the free energy of a random matrix model with a polynomial potential. Our approach is based on a deformation of potential and on the use of the underlying integrable structures of the matrix model. The main results include the existence of a full asymptotic expansion in even powers of N of the recurrence coefficients of the related orthogonal polynomials for a one-cut regular potential and the double scaling asymptotics of the free...

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 3007