Displaying 61 – 80 of 3007

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A Fiedler-like theory for the perturbed Laplacian

Israel Rocha, Vilmar Trevisan (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The perturbed Laplacian matrix of a graph G is defined as L D = D - A , where D is any diagonal matrix and A is a weighted adjacency matrix of G . We develop a Fiedler-like theory for this matrix, leading to results that are of the same type as those obtained with the algebraic connectivity of a graph. We show a monotonicity theorem for the harmonic eigenfunction corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of the perturbed Laplacian matrix over the points of articulation of a graph. Furthermore, we use...

A formula for all minors of the adjacency matrix and an application

R. B. Bapat, A. K. Lal, S. Pati (2014)

Special Matrices

We supply a combinatorial description of any minor of the adjacency matrix of a graph. This description is then used to give a formula for the determinant and inverse of the adjacency matrix, A(G), of a graph G, whenever A(G) is invertible, where G is formed by replacing the edges of a tree by path bundles.

A further investigation for Egoroff's theorem with respect to monotone set functions

Jun Li (2003)


In this paper, we investigate Egoroff’s theorem with respect to monotone set function, and show that a necessary and sufficient condition that Egoroff’s theorem remain valid for monotone set function is that the monotone set function fulfill condition (E). Therefore Egoroff’s theorem for non-additive measure is formulated in full generality.

A generalization of the exterior product of differential forms combining Hom-valued forms

Christian Gross (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This article deals with vector valued differential forms on C -manifolds. As a generalization of the exterior product, we introduce an operator that combines Hom ( s ( W ) , Z ) -valued forms with Hom ( s ( V ) , W ) -valued forms. We discuss the main properties of this operator such as (multi)linearity, associativity and its behavior under pullbacks, push-outs, exterior differentiation of forms, etc. Finally we present applications for Lie groups and fiber bundles.

A geometric proof of the Perron-Frobenius theorem.

Alberto Borobia, Ujué R. Trías (1992)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We obtain an elementary geometrical proof of the classical Perron-Frobenius theorem for non-negative matrices A by using the Brouwer fixed-point theorem and by studying the dynamics of the action of A on convenient subsets of Rn.

A Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizing process of design matrices in linear models as an estimating procedure of covariance components.

Gabriela Beganu (2005)


Se considera un modelo lineal mixto multivariante equilibrado sin interacción para el que las matrices de las formas cuadráticas necesarias para estimar la covarianza de las componentes se expresan mediante operadores lineales en espacios con producto interior de dimensión finita. El propósito de este artículo es demostrar que las formas cuadráticas obtenidas por el proceso de ortogonalización de Gram-Schmidt de las matrices de diseño son combinaciones lineales de las formas cuadráticas derivadas...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 3007