Displaying 1301 – 1320 of 3007

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Low rank Tucker-type tensor approximation to classical potentials

B. Khoromskij, V. Khoromskaia (2007)

Open Mathematics

This paper investigates best rank-(r 1,..., r d) Tucker tensor approximation of higher-order tensors arising from the discretization of linear operators and functions in ℝd. Super-convergence of the best rank-(r 1,..., r d) Tucker-type decomposition with respect to the relative Frobenius norm is proven. Dimensionality reduction by the two-level Tucker-to-canonical approximation is discussed. Tensor-product representation of basic multi-linear algebra operations is considered, including inner, outer...

Lower bounds for the largest eigenvalue of the gcd matrix on { 1 , 2 , , n }

Jorma K. Merikoski (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Consider the n × n matrix with ( i , j ) ’th entry gcd ( i , j ) . Its largest eigenvalue λ n and sum of entries s n satisfy λ n > s n / n . Because s n cannot be expressed algebraically as a function of n , we underestimate it in several ways. In examples, we compare the bounds so obtained with one another and with a bound from S. Hong, R. Loewy (2004). We also conjecture that λ n > 6 π - 2 n log n for all n . If n is large enough, this follows from F. Balatoni (1969).

Low-rank tensor representation of Slater-type and Hydrogen-like orbitals

Martin Mrovec (2017)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper focuses on a low-rank tensor structured representation of Slater-type and Hydrogen-like orbital basis functions that can be used in electronic structure calculations. Standard packages use the Gaussian-type basis functions which allow us to analytically evaluate the necessary integrals. Slater-type and Hydrogen-like orbital functions are physically more appropriate, but they are not analytically integrable. A numerical integration is too expensive when using the standard discretization...

Maps on matrices that preserve the spectral radius distance

Rajendra Bhatia, Peter Šemrl, A. Sourour (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Let ϕ be a surjective map on the space of n×n complex matrices such that r(ϕ(A)-ϕ(B))=r(A-B) for all A,B, where r(X) is the spectral radius of X. We show that ϕ must be a composition of five types of maps: translation, multiplication by a scalar of modulus one, complex conjugation, taking transpose and (simultaneous) similarity. In particular, ϕ is real linear up to a translation.

Maps on upper triangular matrices preserving zero products

Roksana Słowik (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Consider 𝒯 n ( F ) —the ring of all n × n upper triangular matrices defined over some field F . A map φ is called a zero product preserver on 𝒯 n ( F ) in both directions if for all x , y 𝒯 n ( F ) the condition x y = 0 is satisfied if and only if φ ( x ) φ ( y ) = 0 . In the present paper such maps are investigated. The full description of bijective zero product preservers is given. Namely, on the set of the matrices that are invertible, the map φ may act in any bijective way, whereas for the zero divisors and zero matrix one can write φ as a composition...

Currently displaying 1301 – 1320 of 3007