Displaying 1441 – 1460 of 3007

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Multiscale analysis of wave propagation in random media. Application to correlation-based imaging

Josselin Garnier (2013/2014)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

We consider sensor array imaging with the purpose to image reflectors embedded in a medium. Array imaging consists in two steps. In the first step waves emitted by an array of sources probe the medium to be imaged and are recorded by an array of receivers. In the second step the recorded signals are processed to form an image of the medium. Array imaging in a scattering medium is limited because coherent signals recorded at the receiver array and coming from a reflector to be imaged are weak and...

N-Dimensional Binary Vector Spaces

Kenichi Arai, Hiroyuki Okazaki (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

The binary set {0, 1} together with modulo-2 addition and multiplication is called a binary field, which is denoted by F2. The binary field F2 is defined in [1]. A vector space over F2 is called a binary vector space. The set of all binary vectors of length n forms an n-dimensional vector space Vn over F2. Binary fields and n-dimensional binary vector spaces play an important role in practical computer science, for example, coding theory [15] and cryptology. In cryptology, binary fields and n-dimensional...

Nested matrices and inverse M -matrices

Jeffrey L. Stuart (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Given a sequence of real or complex numbers, we construct a sequence of nested, symmetric matrices. We determine the L U - and Q R -factorizations, the determinant and the principal minors for such a matrix. When the sequence is real, positive and strictly increasing, the matrices are strictly positive, inverse M -matrices with symmetric, irreducible, tridiagonal inverses.

Netted matrices.

Stănică, Pantelimon (2003)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

New bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of 𝓜-tensors

Jianxing Zhao, Caili Sang (2017)

Open Mathematics

A new lower bound and a new upper bound for the minimum eigenvalue of an 𝓜-tensor are obtained. It is proved that the new lower and upper bounds improve the corresponding bounds provided by He and Huang (J. Inequal. Appl., 2014, 2014, 114) and Zhao and Sang (J. Inequal. Appl., 2016, 2016, 268). Finally, two numerical examples are given to verify the theoretical results.

New bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of the Fan product of two M -matrices

Guanghui Cheng (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we mainly use the properties of the minimum eigenvalue of the Fan product of M -matrices and Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, and propose some new bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of the Fan product of two M -matrices. These results involve the maximum absolute value of off-diagonal entries of each row. Hence, the lower bounds for the minimum eigenvalue are easily calculated in the practical examples. In theory, a comparison is given in this paper. Finally, to illustrate our results, a simple...

New bounds for the minimum eigenvalue ofM-matrices

Feng Wang, Deshu Sun (2016)

Open Mathematics

Some new bounds for the minimum eigenvalue of M-matrices are obtained. These inequalities improve existing results, and the estimating formulas are easier to calculate since they only depend on the entries of matrices. Finally, some examples are also given to show that the bounds are better than some previous results.

New criteria for H-tensors and an application

Feng Wang, Deshu Sun (2015)

Open Mathematics

Some new criteria for identifying H-tensors are obtained. As an application, some sufficient conditions of the positive definiteness for an even-order real symmetric tensor are given. Advantages of results obtained are illustrated by numerical examples.

New iterative codes for𝓗-tensors and an application

Feng Wang, Deshu Sun (2016)

Open Mathematics

New iterative codes for identifying 𝓗 -tensor are obtained. As an application, some sufficient conditions of the positive definiteness for an even-order real symmetric tensor, i.e., an even-degree homogeneous polynomial form are given. Advantages of results obtained are illustrated by numerical examples.

Currently displaying 1441 – 1460 of 3007