Displaying 1901 – 1920 of 3007

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On the separation of eigenvalues by the permutation group

Grega Cigler, Marjan Jerman (2014)

Special Matrices

Let A be an invertible 3 × 3 complex matrix. It is shown that there is a 3 × 3 permutation matrix P such that the product PA has at least two distinct eigenvalues. The nilpotent complex n × n matrices A for which the products PA with all symmetric matrices P have a single spectrum are determined. It is shown that for a n × n complex matrix [...] there exists a permutation matrix P such that the product PA has at least two distinct eigenvalues.

On the signless Laplacian spectral characterization of the line graphs of T -shape trees

Guoping Wang, Guangquan Guo, Li Min (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A graph is determined by its signless Laplacian spectrum if no other non-isomorphic graph has the same signless Laplacian spectrum (simply G is D Q S ). Let T ( a , b , c ) denote the T -shape tree obtained by identifying the end vertices of three paths P a + 2 , P b + 2 and P c + 2 . We prove that its all line graphs ( T ( a , b , c ) ) except ( T ( t , t , 2 t + 1 ) ) ( t 1 ) are D Q S , and determine the graphs which have the same signless Laplacian spectrum as ( T ( t , t , 2 t + 1 ) ) . Let μ 1 ( G ) be the maximum signless Laplacian eigenvalue of the graph G . We give the limit of μ 1 ( ( T ( a , b , c ) ) ) , too.

On the singular values of random matrices

Shahar Mendelson, Grigoris Paouris (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We present an approach that allows one to bound the largest and smallest singular values of an N × n random matrix with iid rows, distributed according to a measure on n that is supported in a relatively small ball and linear functionals are uniformly bounded in L p for some p > 8 , in a quantitative (non-asymptotic) fashion. Among the outcomes of this approach are optimal estimates of 1 ± c n / N not only in the case of the above mentioned measure, but also when the measure is log-concave or when it a product measure...

On the span invariant for cubic similarity

Gianluca Gorni, Halszka Tutaj-Gasińska (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Given a real n×n matrix A, we make some conjectures and prove partial results about the range of the function that maps the n-tuple x into the entrywise kth power of the n-tuple Ax. This is of interest in the study of the Jacobian Conjecture.

Currently displaying 1901 – 1920 of 3007