Displaying 841 – 860 of 3959

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Embedding torsionless modules in projectives.

Carl Faith (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we study a condition right FGTF on a ring R, namely when all finitely generated torsionless right R-modules embed in a free module. We show that for a von Neuman regular (VNR) ring R the condition is equivalent to every matrix ring Rn is a Baer ring; and this is right-left symmetric. Furthermore, for any Utumi VNR, this can be strengthened: R is FGTF iff R is self-injective.

Endomorphism algebras over large domains

Rüdiger Göbel, Simone Pabst (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The paper deals with realizations of R-algebras A as endomorphism algebras End G ≅ A of suitable R-modules G over a commutative ring R. We are mainly interested in the case of R having "many prime ideals", such as R = ℝ[x], the ring of real polynomials, or R a non-discrete valuation domain

Endomorphism rings of maximal rigid objects in cluster tubes

Dagfinn F. Vatne (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the endomorphism rings of maximal rigid objects in the cluster categories of tubes. Moreover, we show that they are gentle and have Gorenstein dimension 1. We analyse their representation theory and prove that they are of finite type. Finally, we study the relationship between the module category and the cluster tube via the Hom-functor.

Currently displaying 841 – 860 of 3959