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A Basis for Z-Graded Identities of Matrices over Infinite Fields

Azevedo, Sergio (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 16R10, 16R20, 16R50The algebra Mn(K) of the matrices n × n over a field K can be regarded as a Z-graded algebra. In this paper, it is proved that if K is an infinite field, all the Z-graded polynomial identities of Mn(K) follow from the identities: x = 0, |α(x)| ≥ n, xy = yx, α(x) = α(y) = 0, xyz = zyx, α(x) = −α(y) = α(z ), where α is the degree of the corresponding variable. This is a generalization of a result of Vasilovsky about the Z-graded identities...

A bound for the rank-one transient of inhomogeneous matrix products in special case

Arthur Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, Sergeĭ Sergeev, Štefan Berežný (2019)


We consider inhomogeneous matrix products over max-plus algebra, where the matrices in the product satisfy certain assumptions under which the matrix products of sufficient length are rank-one, as it was shown in [6] (Shue, Anderson, Dey 1998). We establish a bound on the transient after which any product of matrices whose length exceeds that bound becomes rank-one.

A canonical directly infinite ring

Mario Petrich, Pedro V. Silva (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let be the set of nonnegative integers and the ring of integers. Let be the ring of N × N matrices over generated by the following two matrices: one obtained from the identity matrix by shifting the ones one position to the right and the other one position down. This ring plays an important role in the study of directly finite rings. Calculation of invertible and idempotent elements of yields that the subrings generated by them coincide. This subring is the sum of the ideal consisting of...

A categorification of the square root of -1

Yin Tian (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give a graphical calculus for a monoidal DG category ℐ whose Grothendieck group is isomorphic to the ring ℤ[√(-1)]. We construct a categorical action of ℐ which lifts the action of ℤ[√(-1)] on ℤ².

A characterization of representation-finite algebras

Andrzej Skowroński, M. Wenderlich (1991)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A be a finite-dimensional, basic, connected algebra over an algebraically closed field. Denote by Γ(A) the Auslander-Reiten quiver of A. We show that A is representation-finite if and only if Γ(A) has at most finitely many vertices lying on oriented cycles and finitely many orbits with respect to the action of the Auslander-Reiten translation.

A Characterization of Varieties of Associative Algebras of Exponent two

Giambruno, A., Zaicev, M. (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗The first author was partially supported by MURST of Italy; the second author was par- tially supported by RFFI grant 99-01-00233.It was recently proved that any variety of associative algebras over a field of characteristic zero has an integral exponential growth. It is known that a variety V has polynomial growth if and only if V does not contain the Grassmann algebra and the algebra of 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices. It follows that any variety with overpolynomial growth has exponent at least...

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