Displaying 1561 – 1580 of 3959

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Monomorphisms of coalgebras

A. L. Agore (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove new necessary and sufficient conditions for a morphism of coalgebras to be a monomorphism, different from the ones already available in the literature. More precisely, φ: C → D is a monomorphism of coalgebras if and only if the first cohomology groups of the coalgebras C and D coincide if and only if i I ε ( a i ) b i = i I a i ε ( b i ) for all i I a i b i C D C . In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions for a Hopf algebra map to be a monomorphism are given.

More examples of invariance under twisting

Florin Panaite (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The so-called “invariance under twisting” for twisted tensor products of algebras is a result stating that, if we start with a twisted tensor product, under certain circumstances we can “deform” the twisting map and we obtain a new twisted tensor product, isomorphic to the given one. It was proved before that a number of independent and previously unrelated results from Hopf algebra theory are particular cases of this theorem. In this article we show that some more results from literature are particular...

Morita duality for Grothendieck categories.

José L. Gómez Pardo, Francisco de A. Guil Asensio (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We survey some recent results on the theory of Morita duality for Grothendieck categories, comparing two different versions of this concept, and giving applications to QF-3 and Qf-3' rings.

Motifs de dimension finie

Yves André (2003/2004)

Séminaire Bourbaki

On sait que les groupes de Chow d’une variété projective ne sont pas de type fini, et ne peuvent même être paramétrés par une variété algébrique, en général. Pourtant, S.-I. Kimura et P. O’Sullivan ont conjecturé (indépendamment l’un de l’autre) que les motifs de Chow, définis en termes de correspondances algébriques modulo l’équivalence rationnelle, sont de “dimension finie”au sens où, tout comme les super-fibrés vectoriels, ils sont somme d’un facteur dont une puissance extérieure est nulle et...


Enrico M. Vitale (1999)

Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques

Currently displaying 1561 – 1580 of 3959