Displaying 1881 – 1900 of 3959

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On L -fuzzy ideals in semirings. I

Young Bae Jun, Joseph Neggers, Hee Sik Kim (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we extend the concept of an L -fuzzy (characteristic) left (resp. right) ideal of a ring to a semiring R , and we show that each level left (resp. right) ideal of an L -fuzzy left (resp. right) ideal μ of R is characteristic iff μ is L -fuzzy characteristic.

On L -fuzzy ideals in semirings. II

Joseph Neggers, Young Bae Jun, Hee Sik Kim (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study some properties of L -fuzzy left (right) ideals of a semiring R related to level left (right) ideals.

On large selforthogonal modules

Gabriella D'Este (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We construct non faithful direct summands of tilting (resp. cotilting) modules large enough to inherit a functorial tilting (resp. cotilting) behaviour.

On left ( θ , ϕ ) -derivations of prime rings

Mohammad Ashraf (2005)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let R be a 2 -torsion free prime ring. Suppose that θ , φ are automorphisms of R . In the present paper it is established that if R admits a nonzero Jordan left ( θ , θ ) -derivation, then R is commutative. Further, as an application of this resul it is shown that every Jordan left ( θ , θ ) -derivation on R is a left ( θ , θ ) -derivation on R . Finally, in case of an arbitrary prime ring it is proved that if R admits a left ( θ , φ ) -derivation which acts also as a homomorphism (resp. anti-homomorphism) on a nonzero ideal of R , then d = 0 ...

On L-ideal-based L-zero-divisor graphs

S. Ebrahimi Atani, M. Shajari Kohan (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In a manner analogous to a commutative ring, the L-ideal-based L-zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring R can be defined as the undirected graph Γ(μ) for some L-ideal μ of R. The basic properties and possible structures of the graph Γ(μ) are studied.

On Lie algebras in braided categories

Bodo Pareigis (1997)

Banach Center Publications

The category of group-graded modules over an abelian group G is a monoidal category. For any bicharacter of G this category becomes a braided monoidal category. We define the notion of a Lie algebra in this category generalizing the concepts of Lie super and Lie color algebras. Our Lie algebras have n -ary multiplications between various graded components. They possess universal enveloping algebras that are Hopf algebras in the given category. Their biproducts with the group ring are noncommutative...

On Lie ideals and Jordan left derivations of prime rings

Mohammad Ashraf, Nadeem-ur-Rehman (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let R be a 2-torsion free prime ring and let U be a Lie ideal of R such that u 2 U for all u U . In the present paper it is shown that if d is an additive mappings of R into itself satisfying d ( u 2 ) = 2 u d ( u ) for all u U , then d ( u v ) = u d ( v ) + v d ( u ) for all u , v U .

On lifting of idempotents and semiregular endomorphism rings

Tsiu-Kwen Lee, Yiqiang Zhou (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Starting with some observations on (strong) lifting of idempotents, we characterize a module whose endomorphism ring is semiregular with respect to the ideal of endomorphisms with small image. This is the dual of Yamagata's work [Colloq. Math. 113 (2008)] on a module whose endomorphism ring is semiregular with respect to the ideal of endomorphisms with large kernel.

On linear operators strongly preserving invariants of Boolean matrices

Yizhi Chen, Xian Zhong Zhao (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝔹 k be the general Boolean algebra and T a linear operator on M m , n ( 𝔹 k ) . If for any A in M m , n ( 𝔹 k ) ( M n ( 𝔹 k ) , respectively), A is regular (invertible, respectively) if and only if T ( A ) is regular (invertible, respectively), then T is said to strongly preserve regular (invertible, respectively) matrices. In this paper, we will give complete characterizations of the linear operators that strongly preserve regular (invertible, respectively) matrices over 𝔹 k . Meanwhile, noting that a general Boolean algebra 𝔹 k is isomorphic...

On local derivations in the Kadison sense

Andrzej Nowicki (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let k be a field. We prove that any polynomial ring over k is a Kadison algebra if and only if k is infinite. Moreover, we present some new examples of Kadison algebras and examples of algebras which are not Kadison algebras.

On local weak crossed product orders

Th. Theohari-Apostolidi, A. Tompoulidou (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let Λ = (S/R,α) be a local weak crossed product order in the crossed product algebra A = (L/K,α) with integral cocycle, and H = σ G a l ( L / K ) | α ( σ , σ - 1 ) S * the inertial group of α, for S* the group of units of S. We give a condition for the first ramification group of L/K to be a subgroup of H. Moreover we describe the Jacobson radical of Λ without restriction on the ramification of L/K.

Currently displaying 1881 – 1900 of 3959