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A generalisation of Amitsur's A-polynomials

Adam Owen, Susanne Pumplün (2021)

Communications in Mathematics

We find examples of polynomials f D [ t ; σ , δ ] whose eigenring ( f ) is a central simple algebra over the field F = C Fix ( σ ) Const ( δ ) .

A representation theorem for Chain rings

Yousef Alkhamees, Hanan Alolayan, Surjeet Singh (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A ring A is called a chain ring if it is a local, both sided artinian, principal ideal ring. Let R be a commutative chain ring. Let A be a faithful R-algebra which is a chain ring such that Ā = A/J(A) is a separable field extension of R̅ = R/J(R). It follows from a recent result by Alkhamees and Singh that A has a commutative R-subalgebra R₀ which is a chain ring such that A = R₀ + J(A) and R₀ ∩ J(A) = J(R₀) = J(R)R₀. The structure of A in terms of a skew polynomial ring over R₀ is determined.

A subclass of strongly clean rings

Orhan Gurgun, Sait Halicioglu and Burcu Ungor (2015)

Communications in Mathematics

In this paper, we introduce a subclass of strongly clean rings. Let R be a ring with identity, J be the Jacobson radical of R , and let J # denote the set of all elements of R which are nilpotent in R / J . An element a R is called very J # -clean provided that there exists an idempotent e R such that a e = e a and a - e or a + e is an element of J # . A ring R is said to be very J # -clean in case every element in R is very J # -clean. We prove that every very J # -clean ring is strongly π -rad clean and has stable range one. It is shown...

A unified approach to the Armendariz property of polynomial rings and power series rings

Tsiu-Kwen Lee, Yiqiang Zhou (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A ring R is called Armendariz (resp., Armendariz of power series type) if, whenever ( i 0 a i x i ) ( j 0 b j x j ) = 0 in R[x] (resp., in R[[x]]), then a i b j = 0 for all i and j. This paper deals with a unified generalization of the two concepts (see Definition 2). Some known results on Armendariz rings are extended to this more general situation and new results are obtained as consequences. For instance, it is proved that a ring R is Armendariz of power series type iff the same is true of R[[x]]. For an injective endomorphism σ of a ring...

Abelian modules.

Agayev, N., Güngöroğlu, G., Harmanci, A., Halicioğlu, S. (2009)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series

An intermediate ring between a polynomial ring and a power series ring

M. Tamer Koşan, Tsiu-Kwen Lee, Yiqiang Zhou (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let R[x] and R[[x]] respectively denote the ring of polynomials and the ring of power series in one indeterminate x over a ring R. For an ideal I of R, denote by [R;I][x] the following subring of R[[x]]: [R;I][x]: = i 0 r i x i R [ [ x ] ] : ∃ 0 ≤ n∈ ℤ such that r i I , ∀ i ≥ n. The polynomial and power series rings over R are extreme cases where I = 0 or R, but there are ideals I such that neither R[x] nor R[[x]] is isomorphic to [R;I][x]. The results characterizing polynomial rings or power series rings with a certain ring...

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