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Propriétés (Q) et (C). Variété commutante

Jean-Yves Charbonnel (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Soient X une variété algébrique complexe, lisse, irréductible, E et F deux espaces vectoriels complexes de dimension finie et μ un morphisme de X dans l’espace Lin ( E , F ) des applications linéaires de E dans F . Pour x X , on note E ( x ) et x · E le noyau et l’image de μ ( x ) , μ ¯ x le morphisme de X dans Lin ( E ( x ) , F / ( x · E ) ) qui associe à y l’application linéaire v μ ( y ) ( v ) + x · E . Soit i μ la dimension minimale de E ( x ) . On dit que μ ala propriété ( 𝐑 ) en x si i μ ¯ x est inférieur à i μ . Soient F * le dual de F , S ( F ) l’algèbre symétrique de F , μ l’idéal de 𝒪 X S ( F ) engendré par...

Pseudotopologies with applications to one-parameter groups, von Neumann algebras, and Lie algebra representations

Jan Rusinek (1993)

Studia Mathematica

For any pair E,F of pseudotopological vector spaces, we endow the space L(E,F) of all continuous linear operators from E into F with a pseudotopology such that, if G is a pseudotopological space, then the mapping L(E,F) × L(F,G) ∋ (f,g) → gf ∈ L(E,G) is continuous. We use this pseudotopology to establish a result about differentiability of certain operator-valued functions related with strongly continuous one-parameter semigroups in Banach spaces, to characterize von Neumann algebras, and to establish...

Pure states on Jordan algebras

Jan Hamhalter (2001)

Mathematica Bohemica

We prove that a pure state on a C * -algebras or a JB algebra is a unique extension of some pure state on a singly generated subalgebra if and only if its left kernel has a countable approximative unit. In particular, any pure state on a separable JB algebra is uniquely determined by some singly generated subalgebra. By contrast, only normal pure states on JBW algebras are determined by singly generated subalgebras, which provides a new characterization of normal pure states. As an application we contribute...

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