-analog of Gelfand-Graev basis for the noncompact quantum algebra .
It has been previously established that a Cremona transformation of bidegree (2,2) is linearly equivalent to the projectivization of the inverse map of a rank 3 Jordan algebra. We call this result the “-correspondence”. In this article, we apply it to the study of quadro-quadric Cremona transformations in low-dimensional projective spaces. In particular we describe new very simple families of such birational maps and obtain complete and explicit classifications in dimension 4 and 5.
This paper is devoted to new algebraic structures, called qualgebras and squandles. Topologically, they emerge as an algebraic counterpart of knotted 3-valent graphs, just like quandles can be seen as an "algebraization" of knots. Algebraically, they are modeled after groups with conjugation and multiplication/squaring operations. We discuss basic properties of these structures, and introduce and study the notions of qualgebra/squandle 2-cocycles and 2-coboundaries. Knotted 3-valent graph invariants...
In this article we use the expansion for biquantization described in [7] for the case of symmetric spaces. We introduce a function of two variables for any symmetric pairs. This function has an expansion in terms of Kontsevich’s diagrams. We recover most of the known results though in a more systematic way by using some elementary properties of this function. We prove that Cattaneo and Felder’s star product coincides with Rouvière’s for any symmetric pairs. We generalize some of Lichnerowicz’s...
We propose a definition of a quantised -differential algebra and show that the quantised exterior algebra (defined by Berenstein and Zwicknagl) and the quantised Clifford algebra (defined by the authors) of are natural examples of such algebras.
In this paper we show that the multiplicities of holomorphic discrete series representations relative to reductive subgroups satisfy the credo “quantization commutes with reduction”.
Drinfeld Zastava is a certain closure of the moduli space of maps from the projective line to the Kashiwara flag scheme of the affine Lie algebra . We introduce an affine, reduced, irreducible, normal quiver variety which maps to the Zastava space bijectively at the level of complex points. The natural Poisson structure on the Zastava space can be described on in terms of Hamiltonian reduction of a certain Poisson subvariety of the dual space of a (nonsemisimple) Lie algebra. The quantum Hamiltonian...
In this paper we recall the concept of Hamiltonian system in the canonical and Poisson settings. We will discuss the quantization of the Hamiltonian systems in the Poisson context, using formal deformation quantization and quantum group theories.
We provide a novel construction of quantized universal enveloping -algebras of real semisimple Lie algebras, based on Letzter’s theory of quantum symmetric pairs. We show that these structures can be ‘integrated’, leading to a quantization of the group C-algebra of an arbitrary semisimple algebraic real Lie group.