Displaying 41 – 60 of 106

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Jordan polynomials can be analytically recognized

M. Cabrera Garcia, A. Moreno Galindo, A. Rodríguez Palacios, E. Zel'manov (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that there exists a real or complex central simple associative algebra M with minimal one-sided ideals such that, for every non-Jordan associative polynomial p, a Jordan-algebra norm can be given on M in such a way that the action of p on M becomes discontinuous.

Lie triple ideals and Lie triple epimorphisms on Jordan and Jordan-Banach algebras

M. Brešar, M. Cabrera, M. Fošner, A. R. Villena (2005)

Studia Mathematica

A linear subspace M of a Jordan algebra J is said to be a Lie triple ideal of J if [M,J,J] ⊆ M, where [·,·,·] denotes the associator. We show that every Lie triple ideal M of a nondegenerate Jordan algebra J is either contained in the center of J or contains the nonzero Lie triple ideal [U,J,J], where U is the ideal of J generated by [M,M,M]. Let H be a Jordan algebra, let J be a prime nondegenerate Jordan algebra with extended centroid C and unital central closure Ĵ, and let...

Multiplicative characterization of Hilbert spaces and other interesting classes of Banach spaces.

A. Rodríguez Palacios (1996)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

For a Banach space X, we show how the existence of a norm-one element u in X and a norm-one continuous bilinear mapping f: X x X --> X satisfying f(x,u) = f(u,x) = x for all x in X, together with some more intrinsic conditions, can be utilized to characterize X as a member of some relevant subclass of the class of Banach spaces.

On the behaviour of Jordan-algebra norms on associative algebras

Miguel Cabrera Garcia, Antonio Moreno Galindo, Angel Rodríguez Palacios (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for a suitable associative (real or complex) algebra which has many nice algebraic properties, such as being simple and having minimal idempotents, a norm can be given such that the mapping (a,b) ↦ ab + ba is jointly continuous while (a,b) ↦ ab is only separately continuous. We also prove that such a pathology cannot arise for associative simple algebras with a unit. Similar results are obtained for the so-called "norm extension problem", and the relationship between these results...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 106