Displaying 61 – 80 of 134

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Polynomial selections and separation by polynomials

Szymon Wąsowicz (1996)

Studia Mathematica

K. Nikodem and the present author proved in [3] a theorem concerning separation by affine functions. Our purpose is to generalize that result for polynomials. As a consequence we obtain two theorems on separation of an n-convex function from an n-concave function by a polynomial of degree at most n and a stability result of Hyers-Ulam type for polynomials.

Polynomial set-valued functions

Joanna Szczawińska (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The aim of this paper is to give a necessary and sufficient condition for a set-valued function to be a polynomial s.v. function of order at most 2.

Polynomials and degrees of maps in real normed algebras

Takis Sakkalis (2020)

Communications in Mathematics

Let 𝒜 be the algebra of quaternions or octonions 𝕆 . In this manuscript an elementary proof is given, based on ideas of Cauchy and D’Alembert, of the fact that an ordinary polynomial f ( t ) 𝒜 [ t ] has a root in 𝒜 . As a consequence, the Jacobian determinant | J ( f ) | is always non-negative in 𝒜 . Moreover, using the idea of the topological degree we show that a regular polynomial g ( t ) over 𝒜 has also a root in 𝒜 . Finally, utilizing multiplication ( * ) in 𝒜 , we prove various results on the topological degree of products...

Polynomials, sign patterns and Descartes' rule of signs

Vladimir Petrov Kostov (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

By Descartes’ rule of signs, a real degree d polynomial P with all nonvanishing coefficients with c sign changes and p sign preservations in the sequence of its coefficients ( c + p = d ) has pos c positive and ¬ p negative roots, where pos c ( mod 2 ) and ¬ p ( mod 2 ) . For 1 d 3 , for every possible choice of the sequence of signs of coefficients of P (called sign pattern) and for every pair ( pos , neg ) satisfying these conditions there exists a polynomial P with exactly pos positive and exactly ¬ negative roots (all of them simple). For d 4 this is not...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 134