Displaying 181 – 200 of 337

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Some thoughts about Segal's ergodic theorem

Daniel W. Stroock (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Over fifty years ago, Irving Segal proved a theorem which leads to a characterization of those orthogonal transformations on a Hilbert space which induce ergodic transformations. Because Segal did not present his result in a way which made it readily accessible to specialists in ergodic theory, it was difficult for them to appreciate what he had done. The purpose of this note is to state and prove Segal's result in a way which, I hope, will win it the recognition which it deserves.

Some topological properties of ω -covering sets

Andrzej Nowik (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove the following theorems: There exists an ω -covering with the property s 0 . Under c o v ( 𝒩 ) = there exists X such that B o r [ B X is not an ω -covering or X B is not an ω -covering]. Also we characterize the property of being an ω -covering.

Sommes vectorielles d'ensembles de mesure nulle

Michel Talagrand (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit G un groupe localement compact abélien ou un groupe de Lie et A un compact parfait de G . Il existe alors un compact B de mesure de Haar nulle tel que A B = { a b ; a A , b B } soit d’intérieur non vide. En particulier si G est métrisable, les seuls ensembles analytiques tels que A B soit de mesure nulle dès que B l’est, sont dénombrables.

Sous-ensembles de courbes Ahlfors-régulières et nombres de Jones.

Hervé Pajot (1996)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We prove that an Ahlfors-regular set (with dimension one) E ⊂ Rn which verifies a βq-version of P. W. Jones' geometric lemma is included in an Ahlfors-regular curve Γ.This theorem is due to G. David and S. Semmes, we give a more direct proof.

Spaces of generalized smoothness on h-sets and related Dirichlet forms

V. Knopova, M. Zähle (2006)

Studia Mathematica

The paper is devoted to spaces of generalized smoothness on so-called h-sets. First we find quarkonial representations of isotropic spaces of generalized smoothness on ℝⁿ and on an h-set. Then we investigate representations of such spaces via differences, which are very helpful when we want to find an explicit representation of the domain of a Dirichlet form on h-sets. We prove that both representations are equivalent, and also find the domain of some time-changed Dirichlet form on an h-set.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 337