Désintégration d'une mesure non bornée
Jachymski showed that the set is either a meager subset of or is equal to . In the paper we generalize this result by considering more general spaces than , namely , the space of all continuous functions which vanish at infinity, and , the space of all continuous bounded functions. Moreover, we replace the meagerness by -porosity.
Some versions of Dieudonné-type convergence and uniform boundedness theorems are proved, for -triangular and regular lattice group-valued set functions. We use sliding hump techniques and direct methods. We extend earlier results, proved in the real case. Furthermore, we pose some open problems.
We investigate some problems of the following type: For which sets H is it true that if f is in a given class ℱ of periodic functions and the difference functions are in a given smaller class G for every h ∈ H then f itself must be in G? Denoting the class of counter-example sets by ℌ(ℱ,G), that is, , we try to characterize ℌ(ℱ,G) for some interesting classes of functions ℱ ⊃ G. We study classes of measurable functions on the circle group that are invariant for changes on null-sets (e.g. measurable...