Displaying 141 – 160 of 532

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A new proof of Kelley's Theorem

S. Ng (1991)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Kelley's Theorem is a purely combinatorial characterization of measure algebras. We first apply linear programming to exhibit the duality between measures and this characterization for finite algebras. Then we give a new proof of the Theorem using methods from nonstandard analysis.

A noncommutative version of a Theorem of Marczewski for submeasures

Paolo de Lucia, Pedro Morales (1992)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that every monocompact submeasure on an orthomodular poset is order continuous. From this generalization of the classical Marczewski Theorem, several results of commutative Measure Theory are derived and unified.

A nonlinear Banach-Steinhaus theorem and some meager sets in Banach spaces

Jacek Jachymski (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We establish a Banach-Steinhaus type theorem for nonlinear functionals of several variables. As an application, we obtain extensions of the recent results of Balcerzak and Wachowicz on some meager subsets of L¹(μ) × L¹(μ) and c₀ × c₀. As another consequence, we get a Banach-Mazurkiewicz type theorem on some residual subset of C[0,1] involving Kharazishvili's notion of Φ-derivative.

A Non-Probabilistic Proof of the Assouad Embedding Theorem with Bounds on the Dimension

Guy David, Marie Snipes (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

We give a non-probabilistic proof of a theorem of Naor and Neiman that asserts that if (E, d) is a doubling metric space, there is an integer N > 0, depending only on the metric doubling constant, such that for each exponent α ∈ (1/2; 1), one can find a bilipschitz mapping F = (E; dα ) ⃗ ℝ RN.

A non-regular Toeplitz flow with preset pure point spectrum

T. Downarowicz, Y. Lacroix (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Given an arbitrary countable subgroup σ 0 of the torus, containing infinitely many rationals, we construct a strictly ergodic 0-1 Toeplitz flow with pure point spectrum equal to σ 0 . For a large class of Toeplitz flows certain eigenvalues are induced by eigenvalues of the flow Y which can be seen along the aperiodic parts.

A note on a generalized cohomology equation

K. Krzyżewski (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the solvability of a generalized cohomology equation, for an ergodic endomorphism of a probability measure space, in the space of measurable complex functions. This generalizes a result obtained in [7].

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 532