Displaying 101 – 120 of 187

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SLE et invariance conforme

Jean Bertoin (2003/2004)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Les processus de Schramm-Loewner (SLE) induisent des courbes aléatoires du plan complexe, qui vérifient une propriété d’invariance conforme. Ce sont des outils fondamentaux pour la compréhension du comportement asymptotique en régime critique de certains modèles discrets intervenant en physique statistique ; ils ont permis notamment d’établir rigoureusement certaines conjectures importantes dans ce domaine.

Some methodical remarks concerning the flow around arbitrary profiles

Ilja Černý (1982)

Aplikace matematiky

Two well known definitions of the flow of a plane vector field around the boundary of a region Ω are compared. The definition (appropriately arranged) based on the constantness of the stream function on every profile is not only invariant under conformal mappings but more general than the definition based on the vanishing of the normal component of the field on Ω .

Strengthened Moser’s conjecture, geometry of Grunsky coefficients and Fredholm eigenvalues

Samuel Krushkal (2007)

Open Mathematics

The Grunsky and Teichmüller norms ϰ(f) and k(f) of a holomorphic univalent function f in a finitely connected domain D ∋ ∞ with quasiconformal extension to ^ are related by ϰ(f) ≤ k(f). In 1985, Jürgen Moser conjectured that any univalent function in the disk Δ* = z: |z| > 1 can be approximated locally uniformly by functions with ϰ(f) < k(f). This conjecture has been recently proved by R. Kühnau and the author. In this paper, we prove that approximation is possible in a stronger sense, namely,...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 187