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New cases of equality between p-module and p-capacity

Petru Caraman (1991)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let E₀, E₁ be two subsets of the closure D̅ of a domain D of the Euclidean n-space n and Γ(E₀,E₁,D) the family of arcs joining E₀ to E₁ in D. We establish new cases of equality M p Γ ( E , E , D ) = c a p p ( E , E , D ) , where M p Γ ( E , E , D ) is the p-module of the arc family Γ(E₀,E₁,D), while c a p p ( E , E , D ) is the p-capacity of E₀,E₁ relative to D and p > 1. One of these cases is when p = n, E̅₀ ∩ E̅₁ = ∅, E i = E i ' E i ' ' E i ' ' ' F i , E i ' is inaccessible from D by rectifiable arcs, E i ' ' is open relative to D̅ or to the boundary ∂D of D, E i ' ' ' is at most countable, F i is closed (i = 0,1) and D...

Norm inequalities for potential-type operators.

Sagun Chanillo, Jan-Olov Strömberg, Richard L. Wheeden (1987)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The purpose of this paper is to derive norm inequalities for potentials of the formTf(x) = ∫(Rn) f(y)K(x,y)dy,     x ∈ Rn,when K is a Kernel which satisfies estimates like those that hold for the Green function associated with the degenerate elliptic equations studied in [3] and [4].

On coincidence of p-module of a family of curves and p-capacity on the Carnot group.

Irina Markina (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The notion of the extremal length and the module of families of curves has been studied extensively and has given rise to a lot of applications to complex analysis and the potential theory. In particular, the coincidence of the p-module and the p-capacity plays an mportant role. We consider this problem on the Carnot group. The Carnot group G is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group equipped vith an appropriate family of dilations. Let omega be a bounded domain on G and Ko, K1 be disjoint non-empty...

On the dimension of p -harmonic measure in space

John L. Lewis, Kaj Nyström, Andrew Vogel (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let Ω n , n 3 , and let p , 1 < p < , p 2 , be given. In this paper we study the dimension of p -harmonic measures that arise from non-negative solutions to the p -Laplace equation, vanishing on a portion of Ω , in the setting of δ -Reifenberg flat domains. We prove, for p n , that there exists δ ˜ = δ ˜ ( p , n ) > 0 small such that if Ω is a δ -Reifenberg flat domain with δ < δ ˜ , then p -harmonic measure is concentrated on a set of σ -finite H n 1 -measure. We prove, for p n , that for sufficiently flat Wolff snowflakes the Hausdorff dimension of p -harmonic measure...

On the existence of weighted boundary limits of harmonic functions

Yoshihiro Mizuta (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the existence of tangential boundary limits for harmonic functions in a Lipschitz domain, which belong to Orlicz-Sobolev classes. The exceptional sets appearing in this discussion are evaluated by use of Bessel-type capacities as well as Hausdorff measures.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 141