Displaying 521 – 540 of 607

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On the Rogosinski radius for holomorphic mappings and some of its applications

Lev Aizenberg, Mark Elin, David Shoikhet (2005)

Studia Mathematica

The well known theorem of Rogosinski asserts that if the modulus of the sum of a power series is less than 1 in the open unit disk: | n = 0 a z | < 1 , |z| < 1, then all its partial sums are less than 1 in the disk of radius 1/2: | n = 0 k a z | < 1 , |z| < 1/2, and this radius is sharp. We present a generalization of this theorem to holomorphic mappings of the open unit ball into an arbitrary convex domain. Other multidimensional analogs of Rogosinski’s theorem as well as some applications to dynamical systems are considered....

On the smoothness of Levi-foliations.

D. E. Barrett, John Erik Fornaess (1988)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We study the regularity of the induced foliation of a Levi-flat hypersurface in Cn, showing that the foliation is as many times continuously differentiable as the hypersurface itself. The key step in the proof given here is the construction of a certain family of approximate plurisubharmonic defining functions for the hypersurface in question.

On the spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem

Constantin Costara (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We give several characterizations of the symmetrized n-disc Gₙ which generalize to the case n ≥ 3 the characterizations of the symmetrized bidisc that were used in order to solve the two-point spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem in ℳ ₂(ℂ). Using these characterizations of the symmetrized n-disc, which give necessary and sufficient conditions for an element to belong to Gₙ, we obtain necessary conditions of interpolation for the general spectral Nevanlinna-Pick problem. They also allow us to give a...

On the spectrum of A(Ω) and H ( Ω )

Urban Cegrell (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study some properties of the maximal ideal space of the bounded holomorphic functions in several variables. Two examples of bounded balanced domains are introduced, both having non-trivial maximal ideals.

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 607