Displaying 541 – 560 of 607

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On the structure of Brieskorn lattice

Morihiko Saito (1989)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the structure of the filtered Gauss-Manin system associated to a holomorphic function with an isolated singularity, and get a basis of the Brieskorn lattice Ω X , 0 n + 1 / d f d Ω X , 0 n + 1 over { { t - 1 } } such that the action of t is expressed by t v = A 0 + A 1 t - 1 v for two matrices A 0 , A 1 with A 1 semi-simple, where v = t ( v 1 ... v μ ) is the basis. As an application, we calculate the b -function of f in the case of two variables.

On the Toëplitz corona problem.

Eric Amar (2003)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The aim of this note is to characterize the vectors g = (g1, . . . ,gk) of bounded holomorphic functions in the unit ball or in the unit polydisk of Cn such that the Corona is true for them in terms of the H2 Corona for measures on the boundary.

On the topological triviality along moduli of deformations of J k , 0 singularities

Piotr Jaworski (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

It is well known that versal deformations of nonsimple singularities depend on moduli. However they can be topologically trivial along some or all of them. The first step in the investigation of this phenomenon is to determine the versal discriminant (unstable locus), which roughly speaking is the obstacle to analytic triviality. The next one is to construct continuous liftable vector fields smooth far from the versal discriminant and to integrate them. In this paper we extend the results of J....

On the uniqueness of the quasihomogeneity

Piotr Jaworski (1999)

Banach Center Publications

The aim of this paper is to show that the quasihomogeneity of a quasihomogeneous germ with an isolated singularity uniquely extends to the base of its analytic miniversal deformation.

On the uniqueness problem for meromorphic mappings with truncated multiplicities

Feng Lü (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The purpose of this paper is twofold. The first is to weaken or omit the condition d i m f - 1 ( H i H j ) m - 2 for i ≠ j in some previous uniqueness theorems for meromorphic mappings. The second is to decrease the number q of hyperplanes H j such that f(z) = g(z) on j = 1 q f - 1 ( H j ) , where f,g are meromorphic mappings.

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 607