Comparaison des facteurs duaux des isocristaux surconvergents
Nous démontrons que la donnée de la forme de Seifert entière et de la fonction zêta de Denef-Loeser d’un germe de courbe plane à singularité isolée ne déterminent pas le type topologique de ce germe. De plus, la fonction zêta de Denef-Loeser d’un tel germe ne détermine pas la forme de Seifert entière associée.
Si dimostra che il complementare di un sottospazio analitico chiuso localmente intersezione completa di codimensione di una varietà di Stein è -completo.
The characteristic function for a contraction is a classical complete unitary invariant devised by Sz.-Nagy and Foiaş. Just as a contraction is related to the Szegö kernel for |z|,|w| < 1, by means of , we consider an arbitrary open connected domain Ω in ℂⁿ, a complete Pick kernel k on Ω and a tuple T = (T₁, ..., Tₙ) of commuting bounded operators on a complex separable Hilbert space ℋ such that (1/k)(T,T*) ≥ 0. For a complete Pick kernel the 1/k functional calculus makes sense in a beautiful...
It is shown that there exist functions on the boundary of the unit disk whose graphs are complete pluripolar. Moreover, for any natural number k, such functions are dense in the space of functions on the boundary of the unit disk. We show that this result implies that the complete pluripolar closed curves are dense in the space of closed curves in ℂⁿ. We also show that on each closed subset of the complex plane there is a continuous function whose graph is complete pluripolar.
Let F be the Cartesian product of N closed sets in ℂ. We prove that there exists a function g which is continuous on F and holomorphic on the interior of F such that is complete pluripolar in . Using this result, we show that if D is an analytic polyhedron then there exists a bounded holomorphic function g such that is complete pluripolar in . These results are high-dimensional analogs of the previous ones due to Edlund [Complete pluripolar curves and graphs, Ann. Polon. Math. 84 (2004), 75-86]...
We prove that the Bergman metric on domains satisfying condition S is complete. This implies that any bounded pseudoconvex domain with Lipschitz boundary is complete with respect to the Bergman metric. We also show that bounded hyperconvex domains in the plane and convex domains in are Bergman comlete.
We give an example of a Zalcman-type domain in ℂ which is complete with respect to the integrated form of the (k+1)st Reiffen pseudometric, but not complete with respect to the kth one.