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An extension of Schwick's theorem for normal families

Yasheng Ye, Xuecheng Pang, Liu Yang (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In this paper, the definition of the derivative of meromorphic functions is extended to holomorphic maps from a plane domain into the complex projective space. We then use it to study the normality criteria for families of holomorphic maps. The results obtained generalize and improve Schwick's theorem for normal families.

Applications holomorphes de domaines disqués non bornés.

Jean-Jacques Loeb (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We give several extensions to unbounded domains of the following classical theorem of H. Cartan: A biholomorphism between two bounded complete circular domains of Cn which fixes the origin is a linear map. In our paper, pseudo-convexity plays a main role. Some precise study is done for the case of dimension two and the case where one of the domains is Cn.

Approximation of holomorphic functions in Banach spaces admitting a Schauder decomposition

Francine Meylan (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

Let X be a complex Banach space. Recall that X admits afinite-dimensional Schauder decompositionif there exists a sequence { X n } n = 1 of finite-dimensional subspaces of X , such that every x X has a unique representation of the form x = n = 1 x n , with x n X n for every n . The finite-dimensional Schauder decomposition is said to beunconditionalif, for every x X , the series x = n = 1 x n , which represents x , converges unconditionally, that is, n = 1 x π ( n ) converges for every permutation π of the integers. For short, we say that X admits an unconditional F.D.D.We...

Approximation of holomorphic maps by algebraic morphisms

J. Bochnak, W. Kucharz (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let X be a nonsingular complex algebraic curve and let Y be a nonsingular rational complex algebraic surface. Given a compact subset K of X, every holomorphic map from a neighborhood of K in X into Y can be approximated by rational maps from X into Y having no poles in K. If Y is a nonsingular projective complex surface with the first Betti number nonzero, then such an approximation is impossible.

Automorphism groups of minimal real-analytic CR manifolds

Robert Juhlin, Bernhard Lamel (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We show that the local automorphism group of a minimal real-analytic CR manifold M is a finite dimensional Lie group if (and only if) M is holomorphically nondegenerate by constructing a jet parametrization.

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