Displaying 121 – 140 of 462

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Dispersive and Strichartz estimates on H-type groups

Martin Del Hierro (2005)

Studia Mathematica

Our purpose is to generalize the dispersive inequalities for the wave equation on the Heisenberg group, obtained in [1], to H-type groups. On those groups we get optimal time decay for solutions to the wave equation (decay as t - p / 2 ) and the Schrödinger equation (decay as t ( 1 - p ) / 2 ), p being the dimension of the center of the group. As a corollary, we obtain the corresponding Strichartz inequalities for the wave equation, and, assuming that p > 1, for the Schrödinger equation.

Equiconvergence and equisummability of Jacobi series

Boychev, Georgi (2011)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 33C45, 40G05.In this paper we give some results concerning the equiconvergence and equisummability of series in Jacobi polynomials.

Estimates for polynomials in the unit disk with varying constant terms

Stephan Ruscheweyh, Magdalena Wołoszkiewicz (2011)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

Let || · || be the uniform norm in the unit disk. We study the quantities Mn (α) := inf (||zP(z) + α|| - α) where the infimum is taken over all polynomials P of degree n - 1 with ||P(z)|| = 1 and α > 0. In a recent paper by Fournier, Letac and Ruscheweyh (Math. Nachrichten 283 (2010), 193-199) it was shown that infα>0Mn (α) = 1/n. We find the exact values of Mn (α) and determine corresponding extremal polynomials. The method applied uses known cases of maximal ranges of polynomials.

Estimation in models driven by fractional brownian motion

Corinne Berzin, José R. León (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let {bH(t), t∈ℝ} be the fractional brownian motion with parameter 0<H<1. When 1/2<H, we consider diffusion equations of the type X(t)=c+∫0tσ(X(u)) dbH(u)+∫0tμ(X(u)) du. In different particular models where σ(x)=σ or σ(x)=σ  x and μ(x)=μ or μ(x)=μ  x, we propose a central limit theorem for estimators of H and of σ based on regression methods. Then we give tests of the hypothesis on σ for these models. We also consider functional estimation on σ(⋅)...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 462