Displaying 2141 – 2160 of 9312

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Empathy theory and the Laplace transform

Niko Sauer (1997)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is concerned with double families of evolution operators employed in the study of dynamical systems in which cause and effect are represented in different Banach spaces. The main tool is the Laplace transform of vector-valued functions. It is used to define the generator of the double family which is a pair of unbounded linear operators and relates to implicit evolution equations in a direct manner. The characterization of generators for a special class of evolutions is presented.

Energy methods for curved composite beams with partial shear interaction

István Ecsedi, Ákos József Lengyel (2015)

Curved and Layered Structures

This paper presents a derivation of the Rayleigh- Betti reciprocity relation for layered curved composite beams with interlayer slip. The principle of minimum of potential energy is also formulated for two-layer curved composite beams and its applications are illustrated by numerical examples. The solution of the presented problems are obtained by the Ritz method. The applications of the Rayleigh-Betti reciprocity relation proven are illustrated by some examples.

Enrichment Paradox Induced by Spatial Heterogeneity in a Phytoplankton - Zooplankton System

J.-C. Poggiale, M. Gauduchon, P. Auger (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

This paper is devoted to the study of a predator-prey model in a patchy environment. The model represents the interactions between phytoplankton and zooplankton in the water column. Two patches are considered with respect to light availability: one patch is associated to the surface layer, the second patch describes the bottom layer. We show that this spatial heterogeneity may destabilize the predator-prey system, even in oligotrophic system where the nutrient is low enough to avoid ”paradox-enrichment”...

Entire solutions in 2 for a class of Allen-Cahn equations

Francesca Alessio, Piero Montecchiari (2005)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a class of semilinear elliptic equations of the form - ε 2 Δ u ( x , y ) + a ( x ) W ' ( u ( x , y ) ) = 0 , ( x , y ) 2 where ε > 0 , a : is a periodic, positive function and W : is modeled on the classical two well Ginzburg-Landau potential W ( s ) = ( s 2 - 1 ) 2 . We look for solutions to (1) which verify the asymptotic conditions u ( x , y ) ± 1 as x ± uniformly with respect to y . We show via variational methods that if ε is sufficiently small and a is not constant, then (1) admits infinitely many of such solutions, distinct up to translations, which do not exhibit one dimensional symmetries.

Entire solutions in 2 for a class of Allen-Cahn equations

Francesca Alessio, Piero Montecchiari (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider a class of semilinear elliptic equations of the form 15.7cm - ε 2 Δ u ( x , y ) + a ( x ) W ' ( u ( x , y ) ) = 0 , ( x , y ) 2 where ε > 0 , a : is a periodic, positive function and W : is modeled on the classical two well Ginzburg-Landau potential W ( s ) = ( s 2 - 1 ) 2 . We look for solutions to ([see full textsee full text]) which verify the asymptotic conditions u ( x , y ) ± 1 as x ± uniformly with respect to y . We show via variational methods that if ε is sufficiently small and a is not constant, then ([see full textsee full text]) admits infinitely many of such solutions, distinct...

Currently displaying 2141 – 2160 of 9312