Displaying 2801 – 2820 of 9312

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Explicit rational solutions of Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation

Lev Sakhnovich (2008)

Open Mathematics

We consider the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov system of linear differential equations. The coefficients of this system are rational functions generated by elements of the symmetric group 𝒮 n n. We assume that parameter ρ = ±1. In previous paper [5] we proved that the fundamental solution of the corresponding KZ-equation is rational. Now we construct this solution in the explicit form.

Explicit solution for Lamé and other PDE systems

Alexei Rodionov (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

We provide a general series form solution for second-order linear PDE system with constant coefficients and prove a convergence theorem. The equations of three dimensional elastic equilibrium are solved as an example. Another convergence theorem is proved for this particular system. We also consider a possibility to represent solutions in a finite form as partial sums of the series with terms depending on several complex variables.

Explicit solutions for boundary value problems related to the operator equations X ( 2 ) - A X = 0

Lucas Jódar, Enrique A. Navarro (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

Cauchy problem, boundary value problems with a boundary value condition and Sturm-Liouville problems related to the operator differential equation X ( 2 ) - A X = 0 are studied for the general case, even when the algebraic equation X 2 - A = 0 is unsolvable. Explicit expressions for the solutions in terms of data problem are given and computable expressions of the solutions for the finite-dimensional case are made available.

Explicit solutions for non homogeneous Sturm-Liouville operators problems.

Lucas Jódar Sánchez (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we study existence and sufficiency conditions for the solutions of Sturm-Liouville operator problems related to the operator differential equation X'' - QX = F(t). Explicit solutions of the problem in terms of a square root of the operator Q are given.

Explicit solutions for Sturm-Liouville operator problems (II).

Lucas Jódar Sánchez (1987)


It is proved that the resolution problem of a Sturm-Liouville operator problem for a second-order differential operator equation with constant coefficients is solved in terms of solutions of the corresponding algebraic operator equation. Existence and uniqueness conditions for the existence of nontrivial solutions of the problem and explicit expressions of them are given.

Explicit two-step Runge-Kutta methods

Zdzisław Jackiewicz, Rosemary Anne Renaut, Marino Zennaro (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

The explicit two-step Runge-Kutta (TSRK) formulas for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations are analyzed. The order conditions are derived and the construction of such methods based on some simplifying assumptions is described. Order barriers are also presented. It turns out that for order p 5 the minimal number of stages for explicit TSRK method of order p is equal to the minimal number of stages for explicit Runge-Kutta method of order p - 1 . Numerical results are presented which...

Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term.

Marius Ghergu, Vicentiu Radulescu (2003)


Estudiamos la existencia de soluciones del sistema elíptico no lineal Δu + |∇u| = p(|x|)f(v), Δv + |∇v| = q(|x|)g(u) en Ω que explotan en el borde. Aquí Ω es un dominio acotado de RN o el espacio total. Las nolinealidades f y g son funciones continuas positivas mientras que los potenciales p y q son funciones continuas que satisfacen apropiadas condiciones de crecimiento en el infinito. Demostramos que las soluciones explosivas en el borde dejan de existir si f y g son sublineales. Esto se tiene...

Currently displaying 2801 – 2820 of 9312