Displaying 3281 – 3300 of 9312

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Growth orders occurring in expansions of Hardy-field solutions of algebraic differential equations

John Shackell (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We consider the asymptotic growth of Hardy-field solutions of algebraic differential equations, e.g. solutions with no oscillatory component, and prove that no ‘sub-term’ occurring in a nested expansion of such can tend to zero more rapidly than a fixed rate depending on the order of the differential equation. We also consider series expansions. An example of the results obtained may be stated as follows.Let g be an element of a Hardy field which has an asymptotic series expansion in x , e x and λ ,...

Guidance properties of a cylindrical defocusing waveguide

Oldřich John, Charles A. Stuart (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss the propagation of electromagnetic waves of a special form through an inhomogeneous isotropic medium which has a cylindrical symmetry and a nonlinear dielectric response. For the case where this response is of self-focusing type the problem is treated in [1]. Here we continue this study by dealing with a defocusing dielectric response. This tends to inhibit the guidance properties of the medium and so guidance can only be expected provided that the cylindrical stratification is such that...

(h0, h)-boundedness of the solutions of differential systems with impulses.

G. K. Kulev, D. D. Bainov (1990)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In the present paper the question of boundedness of the solutions of systems of differential equations with impulses in terms of two measures is considered. In the investigations piecewise continuous auxiliary functions are used which are an analogue of the classical Lyapunov's functions. The ideas of Lyapunov's second method are combined with the newest ideas of the theory of stability and boundedness of the solutions of systems of differential equations.

Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations for the optimal control of a state equation with memory

Guillaume Carlier, Rabah Tahraoui (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This article is devoted to the optimal control of state equations with memory of the form: x ˙ ( t ) = F ( x ( t ) , u ( t ) , 0 + A ( s ) x ( t - s ) d s ) , t > 0 , with initial conditions x ( 0 ) = x , x ( - s ) = z ( s ) , s > 0 . Denoting by y x , z , u the solution of the previous Cauchy problem and: v ( x , z ) : = inf u V { 0 + e - λ s L ( y x , z , u ( s ) , u ( s ) ) d s } where V is a class of admissible controls, we prove that v is the only viscosity solution of an Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation of the form: λ v ( x , z ) + H ( x , z , x v ( x , z ) ) + D z v ( x , z ) , z ˙ = 0 in the sense of the theory of viscosity solutions in infinite-dimensions of Crandall and Lions.

Hamilton’s Principle with Variable Order Fractional Derivatives

Atanackovic, Teodor, Pilipovic, Stevan (2011)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

MSC 2010: 26A33, 70H25, 46F12, 34K37 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf GorenfloWe propose a generalization of Hamilton’s principle in which the minimization is performed with respect to the admissible functions and the order of the derivation. The Euler–Lagrange equations for such minimization are derived. They generalize the classical Euler-Lagrange equation. Also, a new variational problem is formulated in the case when the order of the derivative is defined through a constitutive equation....

Currently displaying 3281 – 3300 of 9312