Linear differential equations of the 2nd order whose principal solution has unbounded logarithmic derivative
The class of linear differential systems with coefficient matrices which are commutative with their integrals is considered. The results on asymptotic equivalence of these systems and their distribution among linear systems are given.
In the paper existence and uniqueness results for the linear differential system on the interval [0,1] with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions are obtained.
The paper deals with the linear differential equation (0.1) with distributional coefficients and solutions from the space of regulated functions. Our aim is to get the basic existence and uniqueness results for the equation (0.1) and to generalize the known results due to F. V. Atkinson [At], J. Ligeza [Li1]-[Li3], R. Pfaff ([Pf1], [Pf2]), A. B. Mingarelli [Mi] as well as the results from the paper [Pe-Tv] concerning the equation (0.1).
We present a variation-of-constants formula for functional differential equations of the form where is a bounded linear operator and is a regulated function. Unlike the result by G. Shanholt (1972), where the functions involved are continuous, the novelty here is that the application is Kurzweil integrable with in an interval of , for each regulated function . This means that may admit not only many discontinuities, but it can also be highly oscillating and yet, we are able to obtain...