Displaying 1241 – 1260 of 9312

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Basis properties of a fourth order differential operator with spectral parameter in the boundary condition

Ziyatkhan Aliyev (2010)

Open Mathematics

We consider a fourth order eigenvalue problem containing a spectral parameter both in the equation and in the boundary condition. The oscillation properties of eigenfunctions are studied and asymptotic formulae for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are deduced. The basis properties in L p(0; l); p ∈ (1;∞); of the system of eigenfunctions are investigated.

Bautin bifurgation of a modified generalized Van der Pol-Mathieu equation

Zdeněk Kadeřábek (2016)

Archivum Mathematicum

The modified generalized Van der Pol-Mathieu equation is generalization of the equation that is investigated by authors Momeni et al. (2007), Veerman and Verhulst (2009) and Kadeřábek (2012). In this article the Bautin bifurcation of the autonomous system associated with the modified generalized Van der Pol-Mathieu equation has been proved. The existence of limit cycles is studied and the Lyapunov quantities of the autonomous system associated with the modified Van der Pol-Mathieu equation are computed....

Behaviour of solutions of linear differential equations with delay

Josef Diblík (1998)

Archivum Mathematicum

This contribution is devoted to the problem of asymptotic behaviour of solutions of scalar linear differential equation with variable bounded delay of the form x ˙ ( t ) = - c ( t ) x ( t - τ ( t ) ) ( * ) with positive function c ( t ) . Results concerning the structure of its solutions are obtained with the aid of properties of solutions of auxiliary homogeneous equation y ˙ ( t ) = β ( t ) [ y ( t ) - y ( t - τ ( t ) ) ] where the function β ( t ) is positive. A result concerning the behaviour of solutions of Eq. (*) in critical case is given and, moreover, an analogy with behaviour of solutions of...

Currently displaying 1241 – 1260 of 9312