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On periodic solutions of systems of linear functional-differential equations

Ivan Kiguradze, Bedřich Půža (1997)

Archivum Mathematicum

This paper deals with the system of functional-differential equations d x ( t ) d t = p ( x ) ( t ) + q ( t ) , where p : C ω ( R n ) L ω ( R n ) is a linear bounded operator, q L ω ( R n ) , ω > 0 and C ω ( R n ) and L ω ( R n ) are spaces of n -dimensional ω -periodic vector functions with continuous and integrable on [ 0 , ω ] components, respectively. Conditions which guarantee the existence of a unique ω -periodic solution and continuous dependence of that solution on the right hand side of the system considered are established.

On solvability sets of boundary value problems for linear functional differential equations

Eugene Bravyi (2011)

Mathematica Bohemica

Consider boundary value problems for a functional differential equation x ( n ) ( t ) = ( T + x ) ( t ) - ( T - x ) ( t ) + f ( t ) , t [ a , b ] , l x = c , where T + , T - : 𝐂 [ a , b ] 𝐋 [ a , b ] are positive linear operators; l : 𝐀𝐂 n - 1 [ a , b ] n is a linear bounded vector-functional, f 𝐋 [ a , b ] , c n , n 2 . Let the solvability set be the set of all points ( 𝒯 + , 𝒯 - ) 2 + such that for all operators T + , T - with T ± 𝐂 𝐋 = 𝒯 ± the problems have a unique solution for every f and c . A method of finding the solvability sets are proposed. Some new properties of these sets are obtained in various cases. We continue the investigations of the solvability sets started in R. Hakl,...

On the dimension of the solution set to the homogeneous linear functional differential equation of the first order

Alexander Domoshnitsky, Robert Hakl, Bedřich Půža (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Consider the homogeneous equation u ' ( t ) = ( u ) ( t ) for a.e. t [ a , b ] where : C ( [ a , b ] ; ) L ( [ a , b ] ; ) is a linear bounded operator. The efficient conditions guaranteeing that the solution set to the equation considered is one-dimensional, generated by a positive monotone function, are established. The results obtained are applied to get new efficient conditions sufficient for the solvability of a class of boundary value problems for first order linear functional differential equations.

On the existence of one-signed periodic solutions of some differential equations of second order

Jan Ligęza (2006)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

We study the existence of one-signed periodic solutions of the equations x ' ' ( t ) - a 2 ( t ) x ( t ) + μ f ( t , x ( t ) , x ' ( t ) ) = 0 , x ' ' ( t ) + a 2 ( t ) x ( t ) = μ f ( t , x ( t ) , x ' ( t ) ) , where μ > 0 , a : ( - , + ) ( 0 , ) is continuous and 1-periodic, f is a continuous and 1-periodic in the first variable and may take values of different signs. The Krasnosielski fixed point theorem on cone is used.

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