A delayed chemostat model with impulsive diffusion and input on nutrients.
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Jiao, Jianjun, Cai, Shaohong (2009)
Advances in Difference Equations [electronic only]
Wei, Chunjin, Chen, Lansun (2008)
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Márcia Federson, Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita (2016)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We consider a large class of impulsive retarded functional differential equations (IRFDEs) and prove a result concerning uniqueness of solutions of impulsive FDEs. Also, we present a new result on continuous dependence of solutions on parameters for this class of equations. More precisely, we consider a sequence of initial value problems for impulsive RFDEs in the above setting, with convergent right-hand sides, convergent impulse operators and uniformly convergent initial data. We assume that the...
Ma, Zhixia, Wang, Xiaohu (2009)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications [electronic only]
Liu, Yiliang, Liang, Jitai (2010)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Jia, Jianwen, Li, Chunhua (2009)
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Yuji Liu (2009)
Applications of Mathematics
This paper deals with the periodic boundary value problem for nonlinear impulsive functional differential equation We first present a survey and then obtain new sufficient conditions for the existence of at least one solution by using Mawhin’s continuation theorem. Examples are presented to illustrate the main results.
Alexander Domoshnitsky, Irina Volinsky (2015)
Mathematica Bohemica
We propose results about sign-constancy of Green's functions to impulsive nonlocal boundary value problems in a form of theorems about differential inequalities. One of the ideas of our approach is to construct Green's functions of boundary value problems for simple auxiliary differential equations with impulses. Careful analysis of these Green's functions allows us to get conclusions about the sign-constancy of Green's functions to given functional differential boundary value problems, using the...
Valéry Covachev, Zlatinka Covacheva, Haydar Akça, Eada Al-Zahrani (2003)
Open Mathematics
A neutral impulsive system with a small delay of the argument of the derivative and another delay which differs from a constant by a periodic perturbation of a small amplitude is considered. If the corresponding system with constant delay has an isolated ω-periodic solution and the period of the delay is not rationally dependent on ω, then under a nondegeneracy assumption it is proved that in any sufficiently small neighbourhood of this orbit the perturbed system has a unique almost periodic solution....
Irene Benedetti (2004)
Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization
We use the topological degree theory for condensing multimaps to present an existence result for impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces. Moreover, under some additional assumptions we prove the compactness of the solution set.
Li, Meili, Liu, Haiqiang (2010)
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Anguraj, A., Karthikeyan, P. (2010)
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
MSC 2010: 34A37, 34B15, 26A33, 34C25, 34K37In this paper we prove the existence of solutions for fractional impulsive differential equations with antiperiodic boundary condition in Banach spaces. The results are obtained by using fractional calculus' techniques and the fixed point theorems.
Liu, Haifeng, Li, Qiaoluan (2011)
Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) [electronic only]
Irene Benedetti, Valeri Obukhovskii, Pietro Zecca (2011)
Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization
We study a controllability problem for a system governed by a semilinear functional differential inclusion in a Banach space in the presence of impulse effects and delay. Assuming a regularity of the multivalued non-linearity in terms of the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness we do not require the compactness of the evolution operator generated by the linear part of inclusion. We find existence results for mild solutions of this problem under various growth conditions on the nonlinear part and...
Abada Nadjat, Benchohra Mouffak, Hammouche Hadda, Ouahab Abdelghani (2007)
Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization
In this paper, we use the extrapolation method combined with a recent nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder type for multivalued admissible contractions in Fréchet spaces to study the existence of a mild solution for a class of first order semilinear impulsive functional differential inclusions with finite delay, and with operator of nondense domain in original space.
Ying Li, Yuanfu Shao (2014)
Applications of Mathematics
An impulsive differential equation with time varying delay is proposed in this paper. By using some analysis techniques with combination of coincidence degree theory, sufficient conditions for the permanence, the existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solution are established. The results of this paper improve and generalize some previously known results.
Jiao, Jianjun, Chen, Lansun (2010)
Advances in Difference Equations [electronic only]
Shao Yuan Huang, Sui Sun Cheng (2012)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Several recent oscillation criteria are obtained for nonlinear delay impulsive differential equations by relating them to linear delay impulsive differential equations or inequalities, and then comparison and oscillation criteria for the latter are applied. However, not all nonlinear delay impulsive differential equations can be directly related to linear delay impulsive differential equations or inequalities. Moreover, standard oscillation criteria for linear equations cannot be applied directly...
Toufik Guendouzi (2013)
Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization
This paper is concerned with the existence and approximate controllability for impulsive fractional-order stochastic infinite delay integro-differential equations in Hilbert space. By using Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem with stochastic analysis theory, we derive a new set of sufficient conditions for the approximate controllability of impulsive fractional stochastic system under the assumption that the corresponding linear system is approximately controllable. Finally, an example is provided...
Alzabut, J.O., Nieto, J.J., Stamov, G.Tr. (2009)
Boundary Value Problems [electronic only]
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