Displaying 481 – 500 of 614

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Résolubilité Gevrey d'opérateurs différentiels à coefficients constants

Giuseppe Zampieri (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si discute l'esistenza di soluzioni Γ ( d ) su insiemi aperti Ω n per equazioni differenziali iperbolico-ipoellittiche. Si dà una caratterizzazione geometrica quasi completa per aperti Ω 2 .

Resolution of the time dependent Pn equations by a Godunov type scheme having the diffusion limit

Patricia Cargo, Gérald Samba (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider the Pn model to approximate the time dependent transport equation in one dimension of space. In a diffusive regime, the solution of this system is solution of a diffusion equation. We are looking for a numerical scheme having the diffusion limit property: in a diffusive regime, it has to give the solution of the limiting diffusion equation on a mesh at the diffusion scale. The numerical scheme proposed is an extension of the Godunov type scheme proposed by Gosse to solve the P1 model...

Resolvent and Scattering Matrix at the Maximum of the Potential

Alexandrova, Ivana, Bony, Jean-François, Ramond, Thierry (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35P25, 81U20, 35S30, 47A10, 35B38.We study the microlocal structure of the resolvent of the semiclassical Schrödinger operator with short range potential at an energy which is a unique non-degenerate global maximum of the potential. We prove that it is a semiclassical Fourier integral operator quantizing the incoming and outgoing Lagrangian submanifolds associated to the fixed hyperbolic point. We then discuss two applications of this result to describing...

Resolvent at low energy and Riesz transform for Schrödinger operators on asymptotically conic manifolds. II

Colin Guillarmou, Andrew Hassell (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let M be a complete noncompact manifold of dimension at least 3 and g an asymptotically conic metric on M , in the sense that M compactifies to a manifold with boundary M so that g becomes a scattering metric on M . We study the resolvent kernel ( P + k 2 ) - 1 and Riesz transform T of the operator P = Δ g + V , where Δ g is the positive Laplacian associated to g and V is a real potential function smooth on M and vanishing at the boundary.In our first paper we assumed that P has neither zero modes nor a zero-resonance and showed...

Resolvent estimates and the decay of the solution to the wave equation with potential

Vladimir Georgiev (2001)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We prove a weighted L estimate for the solution to the linear wave equation with a smooth positive time independent potential. The proof is based on application of generalized Fourier transform for the perturbed Laplace operator and a finite dependence domain argument. We apply this estimate to prove the existence of global small data solution to supercritical semilinear wave equations with potential.

Resolvent estimates in controllability theory and applications to the discrete wave equation

Sylvain Ervedoza (2009)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We briefly present the difficulties arising when dealing with the controllability of the discrete wave equation, which are, roughly speaking, created by high-frequency spurious waves which do not travel. It is by now well-understood that such spurious waves can be dealt with by applying some convenient filtering technique. However, the scale of frequency in which we can guarantee that none of these non-traveling waves appears is still unknown in general. Though, using Hautus tests, which read the...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 614