Displaying 41 – 60 of 484

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Generalizations of the Finite Element Method

Marc Schweitzer (2012)

Open Mathematics

This paper is concerned with the generalization of the finite element method via the use of non-polynomial enrichment functions. Several methods employ this general approach, e.g. the extended finite element method and the generalized finite element method. We review these approaches and interpret them in the more general framework of the partition of unity method. Here we focus on fundamental construction principles, approximation properties and stability of the respective numerical method. To...

Generalized Backscattering and the Lax-Phillips Transform

Melrose, Richard, Uhlmann, Gunther (2008)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35P25, 35R30, 58J50.Using the free-space translation representation (modified Radon transform) of Lax and Phillips in odd dimensions, it is shown that the generalized backscattering transform (so outgoing angle w = Sq in terms of the incoming angle with S orthogonal and Id-S invertible) may be further restricted to give an entire, globally Fredholm, operator on appropriate Sobolev spaces of potentials with compact support. As a corollary we show that the...

Generalized Cauchy problems for hyperbolic functional differential systems

Elżbieta Puźniakowska-Gałuch (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A generalized Cauchy problem for hyperbolic functional differential systems is considered. The initial problem is transformed into a system of functional integral equations. The existence of solutions of this system is proved by using the method of successive approximations. Differentiability of solutions with respect to initial functions is proved. It is important that functional differential systems considered in this paper do not satisfy the Volterra condition.

Generalized combined field integral equations for the iterative solution of the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation

Xavier Antoine, Marion Darbas (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper addresses the derivation of new second-kind Fredholm combined field integral equations for the Krylov iterative solution of tridimensional acoustic scattering problems by a smooth closed surface. These integral equations need the introduction of suitable tangential square-root operators to regularize the formulations. Existence and uniqueness occur for these formulations. They can be interpreted as generalizations of the well-known Brakhage-Werner [A. Brakhage and P. Werner, Arch....

Generalized Fractional Evolution Equation

Da Silva, J. L., Erraoui, M., Ouerdiane, H. (2007)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46F25, 26A33; Secondary: 46G20In this paper we study the generalized Riemann-Liouville (resp. Caputo) time fractional evolution equation in infinite dimensions. We show that the explicit solution is given as the convolution between the initial condition and a generalized function related to the Mittag-Leffler function. The fundamental solution corresponding to the Riemann-Liouville time fractional evolution equation does not admit a probabilistic...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 484