Displaying 621 – 640 of 1309

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Exact Neumann boundary controllability for second order hyperbolic equations

Weijiu Liu, Graham Williams (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using HUM, we study the problem of exact controllability with Neumann boundary conditions for second order hyperbolic equations. We prove that these systems are exactly controllable for all initial states in L 2 ( Ω ) × ( H 1 ( Ω ) ) ' and we derive estimates for the control time T.

Exact null internal controllability for the heat equation on unbounded convex domains

Viorel Barbu (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The liner parabolic equation y t - 1 2 𝔻 y + F · y = 1 0 u ∂y ∂t − 1 2   Δy + F · ∇ y = 1 x1d4aa; 0 u with Neumann boundary condition on a convex open domain x1d4aa; ⊂ ℝd with smooth boundary is exactly null controllable on each finite interval if 𝒪0is an open subset of x1d4aa; which contains a suitable neighbourhood of the recession cone of x1d4aa; . Here,F : ℝd → ℝd is a bounded, C1-continuous function, and F = ∇g, where g is convex and coercive.

Exact solution of the time fractional variant Boussinesq-Burgers equations

Bibekananda Bira, Hemanta Mandal, Dia Zeidan (2021)

Applications of Mathematics

In the present article, we consider a nonlinear time fractional system of variant Boussinesq-Burgers equations. Using Lie group analysis, we derive the infinitesimal groups of transformations containing some arbitrary constants. Next, we obtain the system of optimal algebras for the symmetry group of transformations. Afterward, we consider one of the optimal algebras and construct similarity variables, which reduces the given system of fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs) to fractional...

Exact Solutions of Nonlocal BVPs for the Multidimensional Heat Equations

Dimovski, Ivan, Tsankov, Yulian (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 44A35, 44A45, 44A40, 35K20, 35K05In this paper a method for obtaining exact solutions of the multidimensional heat equations with nonlocal boundary value conditions in a finite space domain with time-nonlocal initial condition is developed. One half of the space conditions are local, and the other are nonlocal. Extensions of Duhamel principle are obtained. In the case when the initial value condition is a local one i.e. of the form u(x1; :::; xn; 0) = f(x1; :::; xn) the problem reduces...

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 1309