Some remarks on -valued functions
This note is concerned with the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws in several space dimensions. We first discuss an example of ill-posedness, for a special system having a radial symmetry property. Some conjectures are formulated, on the compactness of the set of flow maps generated by vector fields with bounded variation.
The purpose of this paper is to correct some drawbacks in the proof of the well-known Boundary Layer Theory in Oleinik’s book. The Prandtl system for a nonstationary layer arising in an axially symmetric incopressible flow past a solid body is analyzed.
This article addresses some theoretical questions related to the choice of boundary conditions, which are essential for modelling and numerical computing in mathematical fluids mechanics. Unlike the standard choice of the well known non slip boundary conditions, we emphasize three selected sets of slip conditions, and particularly stress on the interaction between the appropriate functional setting and the status of these conditions.
This text is the act of a talk given november 18 2008 at the seminar PDE of Ecole Polytechnique. The text is not completely faithfull to the oral exposition for I have taken this opportunity to present the proofs of some results that are not easy to find in the literature. On the other hand, I have been less precise on the material for which I found good references. Most of the novelties presented here come from a joined work with Luigi Ambrosio.
We review the developments of the regularity criteria for the Navier-Stokes equations, and make some further improvements.
We prove higher integrability for minimizers of some integrals of the calculus of variations; such an improved integrability allows us to get existence of weak second derivatives.
In questo lavoro studiamo il resto relativo della formula asintotica per gli autovalori di un operatore differenziale in , ottenuta mediante il metodo delle proiezioni spettrali approssimate ([3], Theorem 6.2). In un primo tempo diamo un controesempio di un operatore di Schrödinger con potenziale a crescita algebrica, per il quale il resto non è limitato. Quindi specifichiamo alcune condizioni addizionali da imporre all'operatore in modo da avere un resto infinitesimo.
The paper discusses some aspects of the adjoint definition of two-scale convergence based on periodic unfolding. As is known this approach removes problems concerning choice of the appropriate space for admissible test functions. The paper proposes a modified unfolding which conserves integral of the unfolded function and hence simplifies the proofs and its application in homogenization theory. The article provides also a self-contained introduction to two-scale convergence and gives ideas for generalization...